Dividing my calories...

So....I have sort of this mental block. I think I've always had it since I lost weight, but it has gotten especially troublesome lately. I eat 1700 calories per day, burn approximately 700 during a workout 6x per week. I sort of "stack" my calories so that I eat rather little during the day so that I have plenty of calories during my "danger of binging zone" between 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm.

The problem, as you may have guessed, is that I am STARVING by the end of the day. For example, today for breakfast I ate 2 cups of grapes and some coffee, and for lunch I had 1 cup of sugar snap peas and a Luna protein bar (180 calories). Then, between 5:00 and 6:00, I ate 6 100-calorie granola bars. Yeah. 6 of them.

This makes me feel like a total failure and I'm not quite sure how to fix it. It's strange because I usually eat the same thing everyday, so I log my meals and such in the morning, and if I see that the breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack entry is above 1000 calories during that initial logging, I freak out. This sounds ridiculous when I write it out...

Any thoughts?


  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    So....I have sort of this mental block. I think I've always had it since I lost weight, but it has gotten especially troublesome lately. I eat 1700 calories per day, burn approximately 700 during a workout 6x per week. I sort of "stack" my calories so that I eat rather little during the day so that I have plenty of calories during my "danger of binging zone" between 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm.

    The problem, as you may have guessed, is that I am STARVING by the end of the day. For example, today for breakfast I ate 2 cups of grapes and some coffee, and for lunch I had 1 cup of sugar snap peas and a Luna protein bar (180 calories). Then, between 5:00 and 6:00, I ate 6 100-calorie granola bars. Yeah. 6 of them.

    This makes me feel like a total failure and I'm not quite sure how to fix it. It's strange because I usually eat the same thing everyday, so I log my meals and such in the morning, and if I see that the breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack entry is above 1000 calories during that initial logging, I freak out. This sounds ridiculous when I write it out...

    Any thoughts?

    You need a meal plan, developed ahead of time and balanced with fats, proteins and carbs. Distribute them throughout the day as you will, except to include a fat and a protein and a carb at every meal. For example, you may list a 4-ounce chicken breast and a teaspoon of olive oil with 2 cups of spinach, but you could use only 1 cup of spinach if you wanted it at another meal, or wanted to use iceberg lettuce or some broccoli. I used to split my fresh strawberries between 2 meals, but i like them with my greek yogurt so much, i have the majority of them at that meal and only half of the portion with my salad. it's all balance.
    and...6 luna bars? can you fond something completely different (i.e. fresh).....rather than those things?
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I used to do that. I wouldn't eat anything until 2 pm then have a bowl of oatmeal and then it would all go downhill from there... How to change that? Force yourself to eat earlier in the day, plan your meals in advance and stick to your plan no matter what.

    I don't think meal timing is important. Some people eat most of their calories in the evening and still lose weight. However, they do that because it works for them and because it's convenient. In your case, it's more like a disordered eating pattern (excessive control of your food intake) so you need to work against it.
  • countrygirl_717
    I used to do that. I wouldn't eat anything until 2 pm then have a bowl of oatmeal and then it would all go downhill from there... How to change that? Force yourself to eat earlier in the day, plan your meals in advance and stick to your plan no matter what.

    I agree!
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    I used to do something very similar. You've got to work on your mind set. Eat some protein with those grapes in the morning (a large egg has only 70 calories). Eat "real" food (chicken, hummus, turkey, lots of veggies, and some carbs) at lunch. You won't feel so hungry by the end of the day so you won't be as tempted to binge in the evening. Also plan small snacks like a granola bar or an apple.

    This won't happen overnight so be prepared to spend a couple weeks figuring out what works best for you.

    I have found that tea is very helpful in suppressing my appetite in the evening when I would normally get the munchies.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Quick answer...add more fiber to your diet in the evening and eat slower.

    Better plan...make a meal plan and break the Mental process
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    In addition to a meal plan of some sort might I suggest flipping your mindset to make the breakfast and lunch your heavy meals. This will reduce your urge to binge too as you will be full all day. You are starving yourself all day and then binging at the end of the day. This is not a healthy way to live. I would approach it like this

    Total 1700 + 700 = 2400/day

    Breakfast - 500 Calories
    Snack - 300 Calories
    Lunch - 500 Calories
    Snack - 300 Calories
    Dinner 500 Calories
    Snack - 300 Calories

    I try to eat my last snack about an hour before bed. eating more evenly like this will make your binging stop and you will not be hungry if you include lean protein, fiber and good fats.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I sort of "stack" my calories so that I eat rather little during the day so that I have plenty of calories during my "danger of binging zone" between 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm.

    Nothing wrong with the above behavior by itself. I eat about 80% of my calories in the evening and quite a bit before bed.
    The problem, as you may have guessed, is that I am STARVING by the end of the day. For example, today for breakfast I ate 2 cups of grapes and some coffee, and for lunch I had 1 cup of sugar snap peas and a Luna protein bar (180 calories). Then, between 5:00 and 6:00, I ate 6 100-calorie granola bars. Yeah. 6 of them.

    It sounds to me like the problem here isn't your meal timing as much as it is your food choices. Hungry or not, the choice to eat 6 granola bars is the contributing problem, not the fact that you banked calories.

    Can you bank calories like you have been, but make better food selections? Eat 1 granola bar and take those other 500 calories and have some fish and broccoli, for example.
    This makes me feel like a total failure and I'm not quite sure how to fix it. It's strange because I usually eat the same thing everyday, so I log my meals and such in the morning, and if I see that the breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack entry is above 1000 calories during that initial logging, I freak out. This sounds ridiculous when I write it out...

    Any thoughts?

    Since you plan in advance, try banking more calories for the evening, but PLAN OUT how you will spend them before you eat.

    Just as an example: 700 calories to cover up to dinner, and a 1000 calorie dinner that you map out in advance. This way you get to look forward to a rather hefty meal.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I eat about 50% of my calories between 5 and 9 pm, and it works fine for me. I eat small snacks during the day and never get too hungry.

    Try to NET no lower than 1200 on the days you work out if you are still hungry, but aim for healthier choices if you can.

    I also agree with Sidesteal.
  • Pancakelovessyrup
    youre hungry bc youre not eating food, cereal bars are not for dinner. I eat a low calories diet right now as well and what I have learned is to eat REAL food. Things with fiber and proper nutrition. I eat soup and toast in the morn which is water weight filling and fiber/wheat filling. I usually eat no lunch bc I have no time; so that is when I grab a fiber one bar. Dinner is a veggie sandwich, fish, chicken etc. Just bc the calories are low doesnt mean you cant eat. Research "negative calorie foods," I dont even count these in my calorie numbers bc it takes more energy to digest them then theyre worth; I usually snack on these in the danger zone of 5-9pm. Good luck!