Looking for some 'friends' to add on here again...

Becca619 Posts: 91 Member
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself

I'm not new here, been around since January, was active some on the forums here and had a boatload of friends... Well, cut the friends due to needing away from certain distractions in my life and having too many friends was causing me to be on here way too much and not giving enough focus on other things during the day.

But I really need some help/encouragement/support/etc again! I will say I won't be on a lot as I am a stay at home mom/wife with 2 kids (1 and 4) and do homeschool pre-k with my 4 year old, so life is busy. But just really been struggling the past couple months here and ready for that kick in the pants to get motivated again.

I am 5'4". In January (almost 3 months after having my daughter) I was 180 and a tight/uncomfortable size 14, was probably more of a 16 but was still wearing a fair amount of maternity pants since they were comfortable and fit me better than my 14s did (or didn't fit!), currently am 154.5 and wearing a size 12 comfortably for the most part (kids definitely changed my body, what fit pre-kids at this weight fits differently or doesn't fit yet) - lately I get into watching and get down to 151, but then something happens and I stop again and stay between 153-155. But I want to keep watching again and get the last of this weight off and keep it off!!!!

My goal as of right now is 140, which would be a healthy weight for my height, am considered overweight right now. We'll see how things look and fit Losing the weight so far has been a huge confidence booster and do want to continue, and am hoping having people to hold me more accountable will help again!

I was been 150-155 before I had either of my kids and was that weight all through college (never lost all the weight from my son's pregnancy before getting pregnant with my daughter), not sure when the last time it was that I was below 150! I WANT to be there!!!! I want to keep watching and keep losing and not keep this watch for a few day, stop watching and gain it back, watch and lose, stop and gain...

Sorry so long! That's me.

Would love any of you as friends who would have me as a friend :)


  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome back :)
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    Feel free to add me, Becca. The more, the merrier.

  • Becca619
    Becca619 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks :)
  • Welcome back, feel free to add me for support :drinker:
  • nisa80
    nisa80 Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me we have the same goals.
  • Becca,
    Welcome back. I am new on my quest to lose 40 lbs and could really use more friends as well. So far MyFitnessPal and the great people I have met so far looks like it will really help me do it this time.

    Looking forward to losing with you,
  • New here! Looking for friends too! Gotta keep up the motivation! Tips are great too!
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