Emotional Eating ... Have you conqured it?



  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Geneen Roth wrote a book about emotional eating that is helpful. Knowing which emotion makes you eat the most can help, for me it is anger. So when I am angry I try to be more alert and aware.

    I don't think I will ever recover fully, but I won't stop trying.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Oh man, I definitely do it too. I even eat as a response to positive emotions - really, ANY strong emotion, and I'm a pretty emotional person. I think this may be the key to my weight loss.. it's really easy (when I'm not counting calories) to think I've eaten pretty well for the day... until I go back and remember all the extra things I ate and forgot about, to calm some emotion.

    I'm actually hoping this MFP itself will serve as an alternate to emotional eating. When I'm stressing and just impulsively want to eat something, I'm hoping I'll come here instead and see this amazing wealth of support from others in the same boat. :)

    I think it helps me to to remember that the brain is plastic - that each good decision you make literally helps build a neural pathway to making that decision in the future. So, when I'm in the heat of an emotion, thinking: If I can just log onto MFP instead of grabbing a snack, just this once, then next time, it might be easier. Hoping to repeat that until it's automatic..

    I know we can, I know we can, I know we can! :D
  • michelle_4173
    I'm in the same boat and it helps to know I'm not alone! Thanks for the great tips everyone!
  • mscindyb
    Thank you so much, to everyone, for everything you have shared ... each of you are an inspiration to me. Each and every one of you.
  • maggiemay365
    maggiemay365 Posts: 181 Member
    I am trying to conqure it. I have become aware that I am always eating. I care for my mom whom has advanced Alzheimers and my father and a 3 year old, and I will be of no service to anyone if can't get in control of this emotional eating. Happy, Sad it doesn't matter. Now I did fall off the wagon for 6 months and only 4 days ago got back on, but the lesson I have learned is no one is going to do it for me. I NEED TO DO THIS FOR ME! You have to put your own health before anyone elses because emotional eating is only hurting you. Now that said I'm only on day 4..well see! Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I have been doing so well. Tonight I am ready to cave. A little unresolved thing from work and I'm ready for a munchathon. I have tried everything tonight to avoid using food as comfort. I can't sleep, I want to eat everything in sight. It will be a major milestone if I can avoid assuaging my anxiety with food tonight. I think if I had just been a little more tuned into it earlier in the evening, I would have gone on the treadmill or poured my heart out to my husband or friend. But it is too late in the evening now. I'm hoping that writing here will help. So thanks for posting all of you. It helps to know that others are battling this sabatoging behavior.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    I am thinking that I have overcome it. I will ask 3 experts to confirm. Or maybe just 2 (the 3rd is my wife - she is training to be a counsellor).
  • LiveEnjoyEndure
    LiveEnjoyEndure Posts: 98 Member
    I have blogged about similar issues I faced here...

  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Emotional eating is still my biggest struggle, I figure I can't unlearn the habits from years in a matter of months, though, so I'm going to keep trying. My first reaction after being upset or stressed is to find something good to eat, but now I've at least learned the skills to stop myself from actually going out and eating whatever it is.... usually. Whether or not I actually give in, until I stop thinking of that as my source of comfort I won't risk saying I've conquered it, but I have been much better about it.

    Rather than just occupying myself and keeping busy, I've been trying to gain skills in actually talking it out, which my SO has been very helpful with, giving me an outlet to vent and talk about what's bothering me.
  • Booboo78
    Booboo78 Posts: 169

    I've added a new thread above on the subject - if you want to have a look see :smile:
  • thebunches
    What a great topic!
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    After I wrote this last night, I tried something different. I told myself I could have one thing to eat from the kitchen, but only after I made a list (in my head) and reviewed my options. I then listed everything I could think of: carrots, celery, raisins, walnuts, cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter toast, etc. etc. I imagined every cupboard and what was in it. You know the only thing that resonated was the idea of some dark chocolate mini chips. So I had a tablespoon of them and savored each one. By the time I finished, logged the chips, I was ready for bed. I forgot about the work problem until I got to work. Wow, it worked. I'm going to try it again next time.