Ladies(or gents who cares) what is your dream way



  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    However it's done, let it be something special to that person. Not everyone wants such an amazingly intimate experience to happen in public. Yikes!

    And what if that person's family is important to them? Do you ask in front of the family?

    Maybe somewhere intimate where only the two of you can be alone. Of course to "celebrate" afterwards. The in bed on a lazy Sunday morning sounds nice too. :) (Minus sports for this chick)

    Ultimately, if the time ever comes for me again, how the question is asked isn't the most important thing, but the love and promise behind it. (Not to mention the ability to keep it.) With divorce rates the way they are these days, it's a wonder anyone can manage to get through a wedding without calling it quits.
  • nothingisred
    Not sure if I want to get married, but if I do I would want a really unique proposal. Doesn't have to be big or dramatic, just something really personal to show they know me.

    I think if a guy took me to a fancy restaurant with champagne and all that to propose I would say no because it would show he didn't know anything about me! I think it's the most cliche impersonal way to propose, there's no thought or effort in it at all (I'm not very conventional).

    I heard about a woman who was an estate agent and her boyfriend knew she looked in all the estate agents' windows down their road every day on the way home from work. So he put up signs in every window on their street asking her to marry him and was waiting for her at the front door to their house with a ring. I think that is so lovely, so personal and unique.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I really don't want to think about it all that much because I feel like that probably takes some of the magic out of it, once it actually happens.

    Someone asked me once what I wanted the ring to look like, and I said "I want whatever ring he wants me to have." Everyone has their preferences, of course, but I do not want to be that woman who picks out her own engagement ring. I really feel the same way about the proposal. I want to know that he's doing it when he wants to and how he wants to.

    I will say I'd prefer that it not be done in a very public way, e.g. on the jumbotron at a baseball game. And he absolutely has to ask for my dad's blessing first. Other than that, I haven't given much thought to it.
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    I really don't want to think about it all that much because I feel like that probably takes some of the magic out of it, once it actually happens.

    Someone asked me once what I wanted the ring to look like, and I said "I want whatever ring he wants me to have." Everyone has their preferences, of course, but I do not want to be that woman who picks out her own engagement ring. I really feel the same way about the proposal. I want to know that he's doing it when he wants to and how he wants to.

    I will say I'd prefer that it not be done in a very public way, e.g. on the jumbotron at a baseball game. And he absolutely has to ask for my dad's blessing first. Other than that, I haven't given much thought to it.

    This! Well said!
  • branflake5
    Never been proposed too. Ill have to get back to you. :laugh:

    Although, I (somewhat) jokingly say that THIS would be the perfect way:

    agreed!! super sweet and one of my fav movies:)
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    My fiancé proposed to me on a stone bridge in a rock garden over looking a Lilly pond. It was perfect. He told me he loved me, that I was his best friend and a constant inspiration. That watching me with our son made him fall back in love with me everyday ect ect. He actually had me crying before he even proposed or got on his knee. He proposed on our 4 year our anniversary . Before hand we went to a romantic restaurant and after the proposal he took me to the huge arcade which is where we had our first date. He got a hotel and rented out the penthouse suite. The floor and bed and hot tub was full of rose petals. On the bed chocolate covered strawberries, my favorite wine and chocolate. He set a Playlist of songs, we danced, talked, drank wine ect ect. In the morning we had a swim then couples massage. Then went out for breakfast at the first restaurant we ever ate at together. The day was perfect. I will always remember it. So tell your friend some if this.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    That's adorable.
  • beeny83
    I like the type of surprise that catches you complete off guard....

    My husband tricked me into thinking we were doing a favor for his mother who was stuck at work (she was really stuck at work but the rest of it was bogus) to drop off her sapphire ring (small, lovely delicate setting) for a professional cleaning... I was already going by the jeweler she trusts so, I said I would help! Mind you, this ring had been in his family for two generations.. his grandmother, and his mother... so I knew how special it was... and so pretty! A flower of sapphire 'petal' jewels with a small diamond in the middle..

    Well, the day came to pick it up and George asked if I would go with him, and from there we could go out to dinner. Sure! After a long day of work, that sounded wonderful...

    Well, he gave the pick-up slip to the jeweler.... and then the jeweler handed the boxed ring to George, and then he handed me a note...

    I figured it would be the proof-of-payment/receipt for payment.... I opened it up looking for 'paid in full', and instead there was a written note that said "look at George"...

    George was on one knee, proposing to me with the two-generational sapphire ring - his mother gave it to him, to give to me.... I nearly balled my eyes out when I told him yes, I would marry him....

    You nearly made me bawl my eyes out with this^^!

    It made me cry! So sweet!! Love it. :')
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Some place where it's just to two of us. Maybe on a romantic holiday together.

    As long as it's not in public though it's fine by me :) I really really hate public proposals, alright for some but not for me. Even if I know I'll say yes to that person it would still make me feel pressured into saying it, and also really shy at having everyone stare :/
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    If someone ever proposed to me in any sort of public setting or staged "romantic" gesture I would straight up say no, because clearly they don't know me at all.