soda vs. water

For about 5-6 weeks now, i have been drinking absolutely NOTHING but water. and I feel AMAZING.
Before this amazing transformation, I was a regular coffee drinker x3 a day with milk and sugar. Not to mention the 3-5 cans of soda I had a day.
When I first made the switch, it was hard for me to go without all that caffeine and sugar. I could barely make it through the day. but after about a week into it, i no longer need the caffeine to get me through. I feel healthier, don't have any afternoon crash, and i feel like this also may have reduced my sugar cravings too. It's kind of like I can almost see the toxins leaving my body.
I feel great, and it's all due to water. who would have thought!


  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    Yayy, good for you!! :D I just stopped drinking soda, too - about a month without it. :) I mostly notice my stomach feeling better - I used to drink so much that my stomach would hurt from the acid in the mornings, haha.

    Still drinking lemonade and other sweet things though, moving straight to water is quite a jump! I'd love to hear how you pushed through it, that's totally awesome! :D
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Good for you! I'm off diet soda and caffeine and feel great too. Was never much of a juice drinker so it's been water for months. Oh, I also brew decaf herbal tea and add ice on days when the water isn't going down as quickly as I'd like.
  • Thanks for the post. I really needed to hear that. I have cut down to one soda a day and trying black coffee. I have a hard time getting rid if that one soda. Thanks.
  • Good for you! Glad you feel better :]

    I couldn't gove up caffeine and dont see the need to personally xD I have a pot everyday :D
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    awesome job! since i've been on water only people have been comenting on how nice my skin looks thats another perk!
  • Krisengel
    Krisengel Posts: 161 Member
    Good for you! Still have one cup of coffee in the morning, but then it's almost always water for me. I think I crave less sweet snacks without the aspartame in diet coke or crystal light.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Tea can easily replace coffee in my book. I drink it 30 minutes before I go to bed. Other than that, 2-3 ml Poland Spring bottles a day ensure that I don't gain any weight. Good luck and stay off that disgusting soda! Add as a friend if you need motivational guides in losing weight! I'm having hard time and looking for friends on here :)
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Great Job! I know I mostly drink water. I do have 1 cup of mint green tea with no sugar every morning. Other than that it is water and skim milk.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    I've been off soda the whole year of 2011 and feel great also. I no longer have cravings for sweets and sugary things. My energy level is through the roof. No more mid-afternoon naps for me! I quit cold turkey just like you did, which I think is easier than trying to cut down to one a day or two a day. The one or two a day routine will keep your body craving for sugar and it will be harder to kick the habit. Once you've kicked the habit, it's easier to stay away altogether. The few times I've been tempted to drink a soft drink, I remind myself that for that few minutes of pleasure, I will have to fight the sugar cravings for a week. It's just not worth it to me.