at a stand still and wanting to get out !

Hello all, my name is Denyse and recently I just hit the 200 day mark here on MFP. I am please to say that I very much enjoy this site and have now lost 18 pounds. I do however have a problem and that is that I lose weight as a snails pace , also I must admit I despise exercising. I do try to ercise and go on tangents where I do it for a while ( like 1 or 2 months straight ) and then it is back to nothing. My issue is that even when I exercice or not I really do not lose or a very minimal amount. I eat only my 1200 calories a day ( i would say 95 % of the time ) aand I eat well for the most part. I wonder if there are any of you out there that seem to have the same issues as I do and if so I would like to know if you gound something that worked for you . Love you all MFP users you guys are the best !


  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Maybe try lowering your carb intake? I know a lot of people are carb senstive. Not sure what you are eating, but try that! JMO!
  • denyse24
    O keep hearing about carbs, but how do you know what carbs are really , I mean how do you know what less to eat of to avoid them, is it bread, pasta, rice and such ? if so Yes I have tryed that and it does work , thanks for the advice !
  • Dinah22
    Dinah22 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, Yes it's bread, pasta, rice etc. I'm sure you could find a list of carbs on Google - must be hundreds there! Love your Boxer dogs by the way...:smile:
  • BamaGurl47
    Dear Denyse ...

    I just started here a few weeks ago and think its better than Disney land for Dieters. Its just alot of fun and you get to meet alot of people and you get results. Granted not always the results you feel are due to you .. but results non the less. At this rate that you are going it sounds you will total out to 33 lbs lost by the end of "your" year ... 18 lbs for 200 days so far... thats 9 lb/100. there for 365 days in a year so approximately 33 lbs in a year you are bound to loose going at this rate. . Please dont get discouraged. Consider it a life style change .. this is something that is scuplted over time . at tihis rate , in another two year you will have lost 100lbs. What likely takes time coming off will more than likely take time to put back on.. the faster it comes off the faster it might come back on new so i cannot give you dietary advise or exercising advice.. but the way your doing it perhaps you need to adjust your expectation to appreciate the accomplishment you have made so far . just an opinion..My apologies if you didnt like the message. Rome was not built in a day ... so do not obsess over other peoples successes .. we are each built differently .... I started here a few weeks ago and someone else started at the same time .. i lost 6 lbs and she lost 15. i was alittle shocked and felt a little disappointed in myself but then i remembered .. we are different people and she may be doing something completely diferent than me that i would not be willing to do ... and i focus on my small accomplishment and think about it over the long term .. my small accomplishment adding up over the long haul. im in it for long term .. not short term highs . thats the way i think of it . so i choose to be happy ... i hope you choose to be happy too...Take Care my friend .
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Hey Denyse,
    I think you should continue your search for an exercise you can enjoy and so you don't feel like you are having to work. For me it is dance and Zumba. I had a friend once who didn't like to exercise...hated walking etc. She started a tap class and loved it, so that was a good way for her to exercise, but enjoy it at the same time. There are so many options out there these days I'm sure you could find SOMETHING that you like. If you have Netflix, they have all sorts of DVD's. Also if you build more muscle, it will speed your metabolism up some.