Team UK - November 2011, new members welcome :)



  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    I forced myself to eat a Marks and Spencer's Tuna and Three Bean Salad the other night (looked far too healthy ;-)) and it was not only really nice, but 355 cals and with the beans so filling I could hardly move afterwards. Loads of protein and fibre, and quite good on the salt, definitely recommended!
  • cathoult
    Just checking in :) How is everyone today?
    i ran an 8 minute mile at the gym last night which is amazing, i am so chuffed! that was a mini goal of mine from the beginning, as when i started i could barely run for 5 mins at 12 minute mile pace!
    Well done!!!! Wish I could manage that but alas my bad back means walking only for me..even that can be a struggle on occassion lol
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hi Wixy, each time you post to this thread it should show on your profile so you can then just jump straight to it :)
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hey Team UK. Its great to see how you are all doing. I've had a few bad days recently where I've gone over on calories but today has been much better. Completed the first week of C25K today and I have to say I have found it surprisingly easy, looking forward to starting Week 2.

    Off to Breezy Blackpool tomorrow to celebrate my sister's 50th, this will inevitably involve gorgeous restaurant meals, plenty of alcohol and absolutely no cardio!!! Unlikely to be posting again until Monday, so I hope that you all keep up the hard work and enjoy the weekend :wink:
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Hello Team UK! How is everyone?

    Just a small update. I've eaten well today, did a bit of exercise and had my 2 litres + of water. Now if I could do this every day, I wouldn't have to worry about my weight!

    Only problem is I have to go food shopping now as I'm trying to plan my meals in advance. Wish me luck!!!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I live in th eShetland Islands Can I join?
    My nephew was born in Lerwick hospital ... my brother was in the RAF up on Unst. I visited when he was born, but haven't been back since and that was 35yrs ago!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    oh hello. i lost the team uk thread for october for some reason, couldn't find it, thought it must have fizzled out, anyway im pleased it hasn't. is there any way to bookmark this thread so i can easily view it when i log in rather than searching through the whole messageboard?
    Now that you've posted it should be in your My Topics section. That's the easiest way to find it :smile:

    You're doing really well and a loss is better than a gain in anyone's books :wink:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hello Team UK! How is everyone?

    Just a small update. I've eaten well today, did a bit of exercise and had my 2 litres + of water. Now if I could do this every day, I wouldn't have to worry about my weight!

    Only problem is I have to go food shopping now as I'm trying to plan my meals in advance. Wish me luck!!!
    Well done!

    I actually drank 2 L of water today so was quite pleased as I wasn't going to pee every 5mins either :laugh:

    No before you went to the supermarket... did you make a list? More importantly... did you stick to it?

    I'ma sucked for impulse purchases when I don't have a list. Today I went to Went to Waitrose for Diet Coke and came back with £50 worth of goodies. Still... hopefully have a smaller list for Tesco on Saturday :happy:
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    Good morning Team UK. TGIF!

    How is everyone today?
  • nic81081
    nic81081 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Team UK.
    Well today is not off to a good start due to those pesky scales. I have stayed the same this week despite exercising everyday. Boooo. On the plus side though in the last few weeks i have managed to buy size 12 jeans from 2 different shops and even a few size 12 tops. I was still in size 16 a month or so ago and although i have only lost a few pounds since then it really seems to have made a difference.
    The mini sit up challange i set myself is going well. I was ill when some of my team uk friends started their sit up challange so i started my own once i was better. I started at 3 mins of sit ups a day in week one and am increasing it by a minute every week and i'm really noticing a difference although stupidly i didn't take any measurements. Duh!!! So i'm up to 6 mins a day next week.
    Also got my heart rate monitor last week and i think that will help to motivate me to exercise more. Another positive for me is that for the first time in years i am under 11st. My target now is to reach 10st 7lbs by Christmas. I'm feeling super focused at the moment and long may it continue. Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for all the support :flowerforyou:
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Hello all! TGIF indeed!
    I think I'm going to spend the whole weekend making soup... we got our second veg box this week and now have zillions of potatoes, so I'm going to try and turn most of them into soup and freeze it. Also there's a big squash-thing from last week which I'm going to have to tackle, eek.
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi everyone

    I hope you're all glad it's Friday, I know I am! What has everyone got planned for the weekend? Is anyone seeing any Firework displays? Have a great weekend whatever you do, and remember remember the fifth of November :wink:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Can you hear the drums Fernando?

    .... no love, too much noise from the bloody fireworks :laugh:

    I love fireworks displays... great tableaux of lights and wonder with the night's sky as its canvas. But I wish it were illegal to sell fireworks to the general public. I know I'm a big old Bah Humbug but how many folks have to get injured, maimed or even killed before someone actually takes things in hand. Anyway... that's my rant over for this evening.

    I've just had a wonderful dinner... Charlie Bingham's Moroccan Chicken Tagine. I got it in Waitrose. The chicken is fresh and uncooked with onions, veg & spices which you cook before adding a wonderful fruity, tangy sauce. Very yummy. I had it with Ainsely Harriot's spice sensation couscous and a garlic & coriander mini naan. Yummy! :tongue:

    The weekend awaits and I've a date with the gym tomorrow after Tesco's. Then I do need to go into town to go to the library and return the Dr Who dvd (Carnival of Monsters with Jon Pertwee as the 3rd Doctor and Katy Manning as Jo Grant... ah those were the days!) I keep forgetting and the fines are mounting :laugh:

    Right, time for HIGNFY... have a good evening peeps! :happy:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Well today is not off to a good start due to those pesky scales. I have stayed the same this week despite exercising everyday. Boooo.

    Me too today! :( Well, I lost 0.2kg but it is so disappointing that I gained a kg about a month ago and I still haven't even lost that despite absolutely working my butt off. I keep hoping that one week I will just have quite a big loss that will make up for it all but so far no such luck! I'm trying really hard to still maintain some semblence of a life and to actually eat a reasonable amount of calories (which is not what I have done when I've lost weight in the past) but it just doesn't seem to be doing anything for me. I don't know - I kind of feel like I've lost weight and from a health perspective I think it would be healthier to be doing what I am currently doing and stay the same weight than to eat what I used to eat when I would try to lose weight but I have quite a bit of weight to lose so I'm frustrated that it's not coming off at all!

    Anyway, rant over. I'm hoping to head to some fireworks tonight - maybe Battersea Park. But yes Kyle, I agree about the random sales of fireworks - last year when I was living (during the week) in Birmingham I had to walk an hour every night (in the dark in a dodgy area, well so I've heard - Bordesley Green ish area) to get food because I didn't have any fridge space and the random bangs were so terrifying when you are just walking along! Not to mention annoying if you are at home and also dangerous!

    Oh, in the 100 miles in November challenge I think I am up to 21.5 miles :) So going well with that.

    Have a fab weekend everyone :)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi everyone! Can I join this thread? I'm Canadian but have been living in London for the last 9 years!
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    Hi everyone

    Not a good start to the weekend for me. Got weighed and stayed the same :( I did have a bad start to the week food wise as had a family wedding. I hoped by getting back on track on monday I would lose at least a little. Nevermind hopefully next week the scales will move in the right direction.

    Have a great weekend everyone
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Have to share, I ran my furthest distance non-stop today. I decided to run from home to the gym before zumba this morning and ran the whole 2.35km without stopping! Happy I did it and feel good about my time as well, 19 minutes. I dropped 1min off my per km time since I did a 5k back in June. Hope you are all having a great weekend :flowerforyou:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Have to share, I ran my furthest distance non-stop today. I decided to run from home to the gym before zumba this morning and ran the whole 2.35km without stopping! Happy I did it and feel good about my time as well, 19 minutes. I dropped 1min off my per km time since I did a 5k back in June. Hope you are all having a great weekend :flowerforyou:
    Well done! I can't run for toffee :laugh:

    But I did swim 74 lengths today after my workout so was pretty happy with that. :happy:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi everyone

    Not a good start to the weekend for me. Got weighed and stayed the same :( I did have a bad start to the week food wise as had a family wedding. I hoped by getting back on track on monday I would lose at least a little. Nevermind hopefully next week the scales will move in the right direction.

    Have a great weekend everyone

    hey, it's ok to stay the same weight for a week or two. It's not such a bad thing and better than a gain :wink:

    Just keep the faith :flowerforyou:
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Are you still letting in new members? I'd love to join some fellow brits!