Full Time Employee AND Night time Nursing Student

Hi all

I am a full time AP processor and a night time nursing student
needless to say I have no time for exercise

BUT I am not adverse to hearing some solutions for exercise (besides walking) I can do at my desk during my normal working hours

I actually started this job when I started school so I can't completely blame my weight gain on eating - I figured I'd try to log in all the food I can during the week to see if I am overeating or if it's really just the stress event of starting school and this new job taking its toll on my body :(

I dont see how anyone can gain 12pds in 8 weeks - I'd have to be eating 3550 extra calories (and then some) each week to gain more than a pound each week

anyways my hope is to find my error in eating and make a change - and then continue to log my foods during the next two years of school --- I don't forsee myself being able to exercise outside of work because school takes up my entire life now *sigh



  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Well the good news is you do not need exercise to lose weight! Don't get me wrong- exercise is an added bonus, has several other health benefits, and definitely assists in the toning/bulking process, but for weight loss diet is the main contributor to your success. Just log everything you eat and hold yourself accountable. You will start to see the weight come off. Good luck!
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Make sure you are honest with yourself and track everything you're eating. Maybe get a food scale (in one study that I read...sorry can't remember the name...people underestimated what they ate by 60%!!).

    As far as exercise, I know it can be difficult to fit in. I used to attend classes all day and then had a job at night so exercising was out of the question. You can do little things that add up like taking the stairs, going for a quick walk during lunch, do some exercises in the office while you're sitting down such as tightening your abs, raising your legs off the floor a couple of inches, or keep some light weights by your desk. Since you're a student you can take your books to the gym and read on an elliptical :) I used to do that all the time!

    I hope it helps, good luck to you! There's always time for a lifestyle change :flowerforyou:
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    You can easily eat 3550 calories if you are eating the wrong food. And you could be eating more volume just by the fact that you are up and about into the evening.

    I'm not sure about exercise at your desk. You need cardio to burn those calories. Can you take a lunch and get in a 30 or 45 minute walk while eating a nice healthy sandwich? You must get breaks during school. Since you sit usually in class, use the breaktime to run some stairs.

    You are going to have to schedule time for exercise. Plenty of people do it - so can you! Good luck!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Do you have the ability to eat at your desk while you are working and exercise during your lunch break or 15 minute breaks. I'm not sure what a AP professor is so I am not sure what you do.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I went to school full time at night while working a full time desk job and also bartending on weekends. Trust me, , I gained a lot of weight from convenience eating and a lot of sitting. Eventually I started making myself get up early in the morning to hit the gym for a 30-45 minute workout before work, because it was important to help relieve stress and for my overall health. If you can make time for it somewhere...do it. Everyone is busy, and it never gets easier, so you have to make time for it.
  • swedishwillow
    swedishwillow Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks everyone - I will keep all suggestions and see what I can incorporate! Thanks again