should i feel discourage

It has been two weeks since I weighed myself. Ive noticed a difference in my body. I feel great and less bloated. I do my exercise every other day or everyday depending on my schedule and watch my calorie intake. So this morning I figured, why not find out if I lost any lbs...I gained .04lb!!! I dont get it? Why do I feel like I lost some but yet the scale says NO!!! I am so discourage just thinking about this...I dont lift weights or anything that might turn into muscle, mostly treadmill and crunches.......can anyone explain pls???:sad:


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You should never feel discouraged if you are trying to lose "weight" and your body gets smaller and you feel healthier. There are a number of reasons the scale might show a slight gain, but who cares? No one but you sees the scale. Everyone else sees how awesome you look in your clothes when you they fit better.

    Try focusing on how you feel, your clothes look and take measurements. Throw the scale in the trash bin.
  • Don't feel discouraged, you are obviously doing the right things and the weight will start to move.

    Do you weigh at the same time of day? You'd be surprised the difference between first thing in the morning and late at night, and even water weight can play a factor, so please don't get discouraged. You sound like you're doing fab!
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    Don't be a slave to the scale!! Continue what you are doing. I am sure you are just toning up.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Take your measurements :D Those are ALWAYS improving for me when I've found that my scale hasn't improved in a long time!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    You should never feel discouraged if you are trying to lose "weight" and your body gets smaller and you feel healthier. There are a number of reasons the scale might show a slight gain, but who cares? No one but you sees the scale. Everyone else sees how awesome you look in your clothes when you they fit better.

    Try focusing on how you feel, your clothes look and take measurements. Throw the scale in the trash bin.

    Exactly. Although you probably are gaining some muscle just by being more active, which is great because muscles burn more calories than fat. I'm surprised our scale goes to the hundredths of a're worried about gaining less than an ounce.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    if you weren't drinking enough water or getting enough protein then it is more than possible you've lost some fat but gained in water weight. The good news is that if you keep this up you should start to see weight loss.
  • Find a pair of jeans that feel a little snug, and try them on once a week. You'll notice that they will get a little looser every week!
  • freedomlady
    freedomlady Posts: 28 Member
    No you should not even give this a negative thought. The body can change as much as 10 pounds in water weight. So Perhaps the day before you weighed you at a lot of vegetables. You body is retaining the water weight from the vegetables and the fiber in your waste that has not been excreted yet. So what I do is weight myself a lot, but I only record the lower weight and I watch it go down. So one day I may have gained 3 pounds and the next day its gone. all this simply by water. so get on the scale for the next 4 or 5 days and one of those days you will see that the scale is DOWN. then record that weight and then only record the low weights on a chart and you will see that you are consistently loosing weight.
  • ameerah77
    ameerah77 Posts: 37 Member
    Don't be discouraged!! I went through the same thing and I was losing inches, but actually gaining muscle. It depends on your body type. I wasn't doing any strength training also. But remember, crunches, work your abdominals and those are muscels too. Also walking can build leg and gluteal muscles, especially if your doing hills. Stick with it. Good luck to you.
  • Take your measurements :D Those are ALWAYS improving for me when I've found that my scale hasn't improved in a long time!
    I agree with this. Sometimes you'll find you've lost inches, but haven't lost pounds.
  • Weigh yourself generally at the same time every time. I do it first thing in the morning after my normal routine, if you understand. If you exercise in the morning, weigh yourself after your morning exercise BEFORE drinking a lot of water. Water makes up a good part of your body weight. Don't get discoraged, just stick to your plan.
  • emy10284
    emy10284 Posts: 171 Member
    i hate scales. I am, i hate to admit it a slave to the scale. it could be anything watch your sodium intake. Drink lots of water to flush it out like others said it may just be bloating. Also try weighing again at the end of the week or next week first thing in the morning after using the bathroom.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    It has been two weeks since I weighed myself. Ive noticed a difference in my body. I feel great and less bloated. I do my exercise every other day or everyday depending on my schedule and watch my calorie intake. So this morning I figured, why not find out if I lost any lbs...I gained .04lb!!! I dont get it? Why do I feel like I lost some but yet the scale says NO!!! I am so discourage just thinking about this...I dont lift weights or anything that might turn into muscle, mostly treadmill and crunches.......can anyone explain pls???:sad:

    Wait, .04lbs? As in, 4 hundredths of a pound? You realize that's a little over half an ounce, right (1lb = 16oz)? Your bodyweight can fluctuate by something like 2 POUNDS in a single day. That small of a difference can basically be attributed to whether or not you ate or drank anything before weighing yourself.

    Honey, put that scale away. If you really want to weigh yourself, get one that doesn't go to that much precision. If you're getting worked up and discouraged over a half-ounce change on the scale, despite noticing other non-scale differences, then you'll do nothing but drive yourself insane with the scale you have.

    That said, muscle (and muscle weight) is a GOOD thing, and will help you burn more fat/calories while you're not actively working out. I recommend consciously adding in some strength training (you don't need a gym to do this, either, check out the bodyweight training resources).