Okay, so what's going to be your deal? Will you give into the holiday indulge or will you indulge your body in a different way, like training and having your own healthy desserts after that TG dinner?

I remember that as soon as Halloween hit, all heck broke lose and commitments were out the window because the temptation was so intense everywhere I went, there was no way I was getting out of it alive or I should say without stuffing my face - eventually. I always broke down and once I did, it didn't stop until after Jan. 1st - totally defeated and on my mental knees saying - I have to get back on my game plan.

All the work I put in up until that point of hitting holiday season, went right out the window and I was back to square one on the New Year struggling to feel good about myself.

So, instead - I made better plans. I had more tools to pull from to get me through, one being something like MFP. Connecting with people who wanted the same goal of knowing how to enjoy the holidays instead of me being miserable and passed out on the couch stuck to the t.v. or what am I going to eat next.

What I did was I found incredible recipes that were my own healthy pie recipes (low sugar, flour free) and I made them ahead of time and brought them with me to my family's house. I measured out my carbs (potatoes) and I stayed away from the flour loaded gravy or the gooped up stringbean casserole and I had steamed veggies with olive oil on them and then I had a piece of my healthy pie with coffee. Then in the morning, I would also have a piece of my healthy oat bran applie pie with a 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese - totally filling and I swear I am not kidding, it taste great together. This year I also have a healthy balanced nutrient rich low cal, no fat shake for my snack (chocolate to boot) and I can make it into a pudding or freeze it for ice cream.
I walk a lot around the neighborhood with my sweats on and bring my iPod with some cool music and affirmation/motivation tracks and I also journal and read a meditation book in the morning to start my day before anything. That tool alone totally helps me to do the healthy and loving thing for myself.

The result, a happy non-remorseful and non-defeated and lighter feeling person. I repeat this for Christmas and New Years and I am able to get through.

So how about you? Do you have a holiday game plan or do you think you are justing gearing up for all the indulging food? Will you slip on your pants the weekend after TG and feel constricted or will you pull up your pants and feel comforatable.

Share where you want to be. Maybe think about having some tools if you haven't tried it. And lastly, if you had to make a list of what you would feel like without your tools on one side of a piece of paper and make a list of what you would feel like with your tools on the otherside of the paper, which side would you be drawn to more?

I am going to be very active on the boards during the holiday to reach out and be there for those who want to make it a WE Game Plan, so if you want to get your game on - let's game on together!
