
For the first time in about a year I decided to step on the scale today. Needless to say, I am 10lbs over what I was when I got out of the hospital with my second child. Honestly right now I am so mad at myself for letting my weight get out of hand that I could cry, but instead I decided to do something more productive and join MFP. So here I am! Please add me as a friend! I could use all the motivation I can get, and will promise to be an amazing support system as well.


  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    You'll do great. This place really helps. I spent 9 months blaming my lack of weight loss on my newborn baby. I got tired of making excuses and signed up here in September. I've seen a huge difference in just 7 weeks.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    This is a great place to be! Best of luck to you!
  • linda1243
    Welcome! I had my want-to-cry moment and joined MFP. Best thing I have done. I'm still at the beginning but everyone is supportive and helpful and full of great ideas. You will do great!
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
  • jhaynie722
    This is a great place to get your mind (and body) back on track! Even with all the chaos throughout the day...when I get on here this is kind of a little "me" time...and I actually get to focus on myself for a whole 10 minutes of the day :) Makes me feel better to see progress and pushes me harder when I don't meet my goals. Good Luck!