My Taste buds

Since I've been eating healthy and making better choices on my food. I've noticed several differences; 1. My body doesn't make weird noises anymore! 2. Normally spinach and lentils would just taste like dirt but now taste full of flavor. 3. No more white stuff on my tongue and my teeth are brighter.

I'm not sure where to post this but I've cut soda out of my diet completely. Normally this would have been hard but it hasn't been. I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed this change too or if they know why it happens?


  • dnsrmr
    dnsrmr Posts: 99 Member
    When I stop eating a low carb diet I get migraines, egdy, bloated, gassy, and I fee like sh** so I hear ya.
    When I eat low carb, like around 20 carbs per day, I have none of those symptoms.
    Keep doing what you're doin.
    Nobody likes to hang around with a fart!!!
  • msterlitz
    Since I've been eating healthy and making better choices on my food. I've noticed several differences; 1. My body doesn't make weird noises anymore! 2. Normally spinach and lentils would just taste like dirt but not taste full of flavor. 3. No more white stuff on my tongue and my teeth are brighter.

    I'm not sure where to post this but I've cut soda out of my diet completely. Normally this would have been hard but it hasn't been. I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed this change too or if they know why it happens?

    There are about 10,000 taste buds on your tongue right now. Each one has a receptor that reacts to different substances and makes it possible for you to taste the foods you eat. There are five elements of taste: sour, bitter, salty, savory, and sweet. But you can desensitize your taste buds. That’s why when people try and switch over to an average ‘healthy’ diet from an average American diet they can’t do it. Well, most of the people can’t do it. The reason why is that these people are so used to adding stuff to their foods, or eating highly processed, sugar-loaded, fat-loaded, grease-loaded, overall-bad-for-you types of foods. This literally is killing your taste buds! All this extra stuff added to your food or drinks are taking away from the natural ability of your taste buds to taste real, natural, healthy foods.

    Since I started eating good foods in general, I have a heightened sense of taste. Now if I occasionally taste some candy, it tastes disgusting. It tastes like pure sugar to me and it is way too sweet. Sugar now tastes overwhelmingly sweet, sometimes unpleasantly so.