Been here a while, never introduced myself

Haven't introduced myself even though I've been here for a while.
I'm a junior in college, studying Rehabilitation to become a Drug & Alcohol counselor.
I live in Kansas with my fiance, who is a type 1 diabetic trying to GAIN weight.
I've had weight problems my whole life. (ranging from 109 lbs when I was losing weight in a very unhealthy way, to 170, my recent highest)
My mother had gastric bypass surgery to try & manage her weight & most of my family is large.
I just want to be healthy & have confidence for once! :)
I lost some weight before finding MFP, but being here has definitely helped my eating habits & I love seeing everyones success!

Age: 20
Height: 5'3
HW: 170
CW: 147ish
GW1: 145
GW2: 140
GW3: 135

Thanks all! :)


  • creams224
    creams224 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome & nice to meet you! it's tough to lose weight in the healthy way, sometimes the unhealthy way is much quicker but has unseen/long lasting harmful effects on your body, way to go for choosing the healthy way!!

    Age: 23
    Ht: 5'5
    HW: ~155
    CW: ~140
    GW: 129