
So, I have found that the healthier I am more judgmental I become!

I watch people eat a salad- then put so much dressing on it that the lettuce is swimming- or when I see people eat heavy creamed soup then a cheeseburger and french fries covered in ketchup and then desert and push the veggies aside and it grosses me out. I can't help but keep looking at these people and think ok well maybe if I worked out for an hr and that's all I ate today I could eat that...(if I wanted to but honestly I wouldn't) I love cheeseburgers and fries but not swimming in ketchup and not after heavy soup.

When I was bigger I use to think that I was jealous of the skinny people who you could see out to eat getting cheeseburger or olive garden huge plate and I always thought wow I wish I could be like them.

Now I just question what do people think when they see what I order and how to do become less judgmental of other people. I do not know their situation or their work out routine. I just don't like this feeling.

Anyone else do this?


  • Dandan26
    Yes! I am a teacher and my students come to school with soda and chips for lunch...I judge their parents. How can you even think that is ok?
  • whisperingdragon
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    I would concentrate on yourself, not other people.
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    Maybe it's not so much being judgemental as it is being more cognizant of exactly what they are putting into their bodies. I think the more we work on healtier nutrition and the more we log our foods and calories the more aware we become of exactly what is in the food the we used to eat (and that others are still eating). I feel the same way and wonder how people can eat the stuff they eat on a regular basis. Don't be hard on yourself for being "judgemental", it's just that you are more aware now. :)
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    So, I have found that the healthier I am more judgmental I become!

    I watch people eat a salad- then put so much dressing on it that the lettuce is swimming- or when I see people eat heavy creamed soup then a cheeseburger and french fries covered in ketchup and then desert and push the veggies aside and it grosses me out. I can't help but keep looking at these people and think ok well maybe if I worked out for an hr and that's all I ate today I could eat that...(if I wanted to but honestly I wouldn't) I love cheeseburgers and fries but not swimming in ketchup and not after heavy soup.

    When I was bigger I use to think that I was jealous of the skinny people who you could see out to eat getting cheeseburger or olive garden huge plate and I always thought wow I wish I could be like them.

    Now I just question what do people think when they see what I order and how to do become less judgmental of other people. I do not know their situation or their work out routine. I just don't like this feeling.

    Anyone else do this?

    Guilty as charged!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Human nature...but something to watch out for. I'll find myself critiquing people's grocery carts, wondering how they can buy "that crap." Or judge people I just saw come from the gym, and head to the bakery in the grocery store....

    Something I have to watch, for sure....
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I enjoy people watching.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    Nope I only care about what I eat and not what some stranger eats.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I would concentrate on yourself, not other people.

    Perfect advice for a perfect world....
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I feel the urge to yes and most of the time I catch myself and try to remind myself that I didn't always make good choices and so I really shouldn't judge others for theirs. I always try to remember too that a lot of people simply don,t have the knowledge that many of us here on MFP do regarding calories, nutrients, exercise, etc. and many folks who don't have that knowledge simply become frustrated and give up on even trying. There is so much mis-information out there that I can still understand how many have a hard time finding the answers they need.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Im kinda like this, but not judgemental.............I realize , when its in my face, that that was my old unhealthy behavior.......its right in my face

    it keeps me focused, it helps me realize that I could go back to the old way......

    Youre not being so much judgemental as you are being aware, and theres nothing really wrong with that..........Lloyd
  • chefchazz
    not at all
  • slbeutler
    I try not to judge because I am certainly not perfect myself and it might be there cheat day or once in a while splurge. I do get irritated with people who complain about not losing weight or not liking the way they look and feel, yet continue to eat that way day after day, meal after meal.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Trying so hard to lose weight. I told my daughter a few weeks ago that when I shop I am looking at the foods that people have in their carts and the heavier people have foods that I used to buy but no longer would consider. I am trying to look in the supermarket and in restaurants and learn the eating habits that healthy sized people have. Can only change ourselves.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I usually don't like to judge people on what they eat, because I know I can pack away obscene amounts of food.

    But one time, we were at Don Pablos, and four very, very, very large people came in. Easily over 300 pounds each. And I tried not to judge. Really, I did. But when the ordered their platters of Mexican food, and said, "We don't really like tomatoes or lettuce... can we have extra sour cream and cheese instead?" I really had to look around and see if there was a hidden camera somewhere!
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    ok this scares me a bit i have not got to the weight loss part but i always believed people would care more about what they ate than what i did ... this makes me a little scared to eat infront of people what are all those people think about me?!

    btw my son eats better than i do i have always been pickey and i hate it but i seem to get him to eat great...

    and you cannot judge some people may have a problem and they take it out of food dont judge people if you dont want to be judged

    i dont want to be judged!
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I 100% agree that I should not focus on other and should focus on myself. I have all the thoughts in my head and then I rationalize them for the people.-cheat day, meds, bad day, extra long workout....I also think that I was once that person. I just don't like the feeling of judging them in the beginning.
  • MortalMen
    One other thing to keep in mind is you don't really know just how active some of the thinner people chowing down really are. I was reading a blog of a trainer who was 5'2" and quite fit, but on an average day she taught fitness classes, she said she burned around 3,200 calories. If she didn't chow down a bit after all that, she would be doing the wrong thing for her body.

    I know ever since I started with a strength training program, I've had to up the amount of foods, particularly protein foods, compared to what I'm used to, and sometimes I feel like I'm looking like a pig eating large servings at some meals, but while I can go a bit over and under in my macros, and don't always get them perfect, I'm usually a bit under in my calories at the end of the day and need to make sure I eat a little bit more so as not to go too far under what is allotted to me in my diary. I'm pretty much the right weight for my height at this point, so I'm eating what I need for my situation.

    Anyway, not saying that everyone out there who is eating so much should be, just probably better to worry about what is right for myself, because it's not like others really understand what I'm trying to accomplish just from looking at me.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    I do this sometimes but then I think of it the other way around.

    Grocery shopping today, a skinny man came up and loaded up the belt with snack cakes, sodas, chips, beer, pizzas, and cakes. And then I look at my huge mound of veggies and fruits with eggs and bread.... I could only help but thinking "How can he be skinny and eat all that junk" and he probably thought "how can she be so fat and eat all those good foods?"...

    I'm sure it works both ways...
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I have all the thoughts in my head and then I rationalize them for the people.-cheat day, meds, bad day, extra long workout....I also think that I was once that person.

    Maybe thats the key - perhaps you are not judging them, but the old you.

    I was once told by an incredibly wise friend that other people are a mirror to ourselves - and the bits of others that annoy us, that we dislike, or that we judge are reflections of things in ourselves, and thats why we notice them. I laughed at the time, but the next time someone annoyed me it was for being impatient - my worst fault!

    So don't be harsh on yourself for 'judging' - you are just acknowledging how far you have come. At least thats my opinion! (By no means offered as fact)
