
For the last year I've been back a million times.....for some reason I am having a hard time sticking with it this time.

But, 6 months ago I had my last cigarette because my husband and I are trying to get pregnant and I refused to let stupid cigarettes get in the way of that.

But for some reason I've let food get in the way. I've gained a lot of weight in the last year, my cycles are now crazy.....sorry for the TMI but I haven't had a period since the end of August and I am quite certain it is due to my change in weight. Just like the stupid cigarettes, I've got to kick the bad food habit so we can get our bundle of joy that I am dying to get.

I could use all the support I can get.


  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Kicking the cigarettes was the best gift you could give yourself or a child.

    The food side of it is difficult because us ex-smokers often substitute food for *kitten*. You need to focus on the fact that the healthier your body is the better home it will be and the easier your pregnancy. Concentrate on health and I am sure the weight will go as well.

    Good luck a baby is such a gift and worth the price of not eating that cake/takeaway/processed food.