
Hey Everyone,

My sister told me about this site yesterday so I joined. It seems like it is good so far. Im 25 played football and baseball in high school. I started around 180lbs until I got out of college and have put on around 40 pounds since then. I am trying to get back down to the 180s im around 215 right now.

If anyone is interested I am starting the P90X lean program monday. Right now I getting ready for it so im not so sore the first week. I tried to find all the P90X workouts in the exercise area but cant find it. I dont know what to put in its place if anyone has any suggestions.


  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 699 Member
    Welcome....if you are doing the P90X program, it is a great idea to get a heart rate monitor. I use mine to record the amount of calories burn.