Okay, so I need some help here.

I currently started a new job in the food industry, and I am having difficulties keeping my hands out of the food and trying everything. To be absolutely honest with you ladies... I have gained 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks from this job.

Every morning I tell myself that I am going to eat good all day and then I have to make a something that I have not tried yet and I of course have to try it. Well, duh!!! I am going to gain weight. I am diligent about bringing my food to work with me, but I never eat it all. I am always trying something different.

I really want to lose this weight and find a way to keep it off. Do any of you have any ideas for me??? I have even gotten a couple different flavors of gum and bring my own water to work. I am doing everything I am suppose to except eat my own food.

I am so frustrated. I am almost back to my original weight and I am not liking this at all. I am tired all the time again.



  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Chew the gum and keep ice water handy - and drink lots of it!!

    I worked at Hardees when I was a kid - it wasn't pretty.......

    Sorry - I know that wasn't much help - I think you'll just have to learn to resist. Good luck!
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Do you need tough love? Nobody is going to do this for you except you. You are doing great planning and bringing your own food. Knock off the snacking all day, eat what you brought and lose that weight!! Walk around the hallway when you feel like eating. Make a choice-fit or fat? It is up to you. You have to decide. You are halfway there-commit. Believe me, it feels AMAZING when you walk into a store and find something cute, go try it on and know you look good in it. You won't have to hide the muffin top or suck in your gut. You can do this!! Good luck:)
  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    journal everything you eat using MFP...then you'll see it add up ---just have to type in every single bite to keep you on track... my DH is a Chef and i go to the food shows w/ him - if i'm tasting something and don't want to waste the calories on it, i have been known to spit it out in a napkin! i do like to sample the cheesecakes so save the cals for that! :-) take some raw veggies w/ you and healthy choices so you are not hungry and tempted to eat... step up your activity so you can try some stuff...
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Its a rough spot to be in... I had to go through this recently too. I started working a new job that orders catering alot and there is always stuff coming in and out of the kitchen. Unfortunately, I did indulge as well but quickly noticed it was having the same affect you have experienced so now I don't for the most part... and it is easier now since I know what most of it tastes like. I do however snag some fruit from the fruit trays and occasional half a sandwich or something. I also started kicking my bum at the gym every night after work so I remind myself that if I overindulged then I am going to have to work that much harder.
  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    oops, meant to type when im tasting something and it's not good, i'll spit it out! i've done that w/ a Hardees biscuit that i knew i shouldn't be eating. haha! it was in my mouth, i'm like, ya know this really isn't as good as i thought it was going to be and what the hell was i thinking??? so spat it out in sink! :-) TMI i know!
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    Probably an initial glitch that goes hand in hand with the new job. I would imagine (and hope) that eventually, it will be like working in a chocolate factory, you will get sick of the taste of this particular food eventually. However, to weigh an additional 10lb in 2 weeks means an overeat of around 2000 calories a day (what I call a 'back of *kitten* packet' calculation not taking into consideration salt intake, water retention etc). If you continue along the same lines as you are doing now, you will continue to pile on the pounds - and quickly.

    So, you have a choice;

    *Stop eating the food and stay on plan
    *Keep eating the food as you have been and become extremely overweight
    * Eat it in moderation and within your daily calorie goal
    * Exercise more to compensate for any 'off plan' detours

    Once you get into the right mindset of not eating everything that comes your way, it will become second nature. Easier said than done and requires commitment and determination. Takes about a month to change a habit. Start today.
  • kfitz10103
    I feel so empowered when temtation stares me in the face and I can fight it. Think about the feeling you will have if you do go a whole day without snacking. I also pretend the food is encouraging me to be fat again. When I see that food and I am tempted I just ask myself if I want to be fat again. Good luck!
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    Log the food you eat on MFP as soon as you can. When you get home, calculate the amount of exercise you need to do to burn it off then do that much exercise plus a bit more. I'd say 100 calories more, but your call.

    If you think you'll forget what you ate, keep a memo pad handy while you're snacking all day. If you brought lunch with you, but your snacking is adding too many calories, eat only the veggie portion of your lunch.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I work as a Chef for a living and I definitely can tell you that it is VERY EASY not to eat while working because, unless you are taste-testing something (plastic spoon's worth), its actually against health codes and Serv-Safe guidelines to be eating behind 'the line' or in the work area. So, I dont know what circumstances you are in to be eating so much, but, think about the sanitation as well? Chewing gum is also something that you would find as an issue in the Serv-Safe environment as well. State health codes vary on the whole gum-chewing rule so make sure you discuss this with the person in charge...

    The one thing you CAN do is have water with you in a disposable container with a straw - that is the only health-code/Serv-Safe acceptable practice for having beverages with you in the food-environment. Make the effort to have a full glass before starting your shift.

    My team members are never expected to taste-test anything they dont want but the fellow chefs generally are the people who do. We do though support each other when it comes to weight loss, food sensitivities and such... BUT, eating anything more than a taste-testing, I will write up anyone because of the health codes and that actually eating something needs to be done during their 15 minute breaks and 30 minute breaks. It is a rule with good reason to exist....

    So consider this: If you gained 10lbs in two weeks, that is because you are putting the food to your mouth. You clearly need to stop. Every time you want to grab for food, you need to put it down and grab your water.... It is easy to put it down as it is to put it in your mouth....

    In case you are thinking it, no - I dont get the impulses to eat... There is too much to do to get functions and catering requests done, keeping my area clean and sanitized as I go. Washing my hands according to Serv-safe standards, gloving up when needed, etc... Its important to keep the area clean, and anyone who eats in that area is in turn creating an unsafe environment by not following sanitation procedures.... and Im not about to have people get sick...
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I work as a Chef for a living and I definitely can tell you that it is VERY EASY not to eat while working because, unless you are taste-testing something (plastic spoon's worth), its actually against health codes and Serv-Safe guidelines to be eating behind 'the line' or in the work area. So, I dont know what circumstances you are in to be eating so much, but, think about the sanitation as well? Chewing gum is also something that you would find as an issue in the Serv-Safe environment as well. State health codes vary on the whole gum-chewing rule so make sure you discuss this with the person in charge...

    The one thing you CAN do is have water with you in a disposable container with a straw - that is the only health-code/Serv-Safe acceptable practice for having beverages with you in the food-environment. Make the effort to have a full glass before starting your shift.

    My team members are never expected to taste-test anything they dont want but the fellow chefs generally are the people who do. We do though support each other when it comes to weight loss, food sensitivities and such... BUT, eating anything more than a taste-testing, I will write up anyone because of the health codes and that actually eating something needs to be done during their 15 minute breaks and 30 minute breaks. It is a rule with good reason to exist....

    So consider this: If you gained 10lbs in two weeks, that is because you are putting the food to your mouth. You clearly need to stop. Every time you want to grab for food, you need to put it down and grab your water.... It is easy to put it down as it is to put it in your mouth....

    In case you are thinking it, no - I dont get the impulses to eat... There is too much to do to get functions and catering requests done, keeping my area clean and sanitized as I go. Washing my hands according to Serv-safe standards, gloving up when needed, etc... Its important to keep the area clean, and anyone who eats in that area is in turn creating an unsafe environment by not following sanitation procedures.... and Im not about to have people get sick...

    I was sort of wondering about this too - you shouldn't be putting food in your mouth while you are working with it for customers..... that would be gross. Your hands should be clean and sanitary when working with food. When I worked at Hardees as a kid - we would make our own food for our breaks - it would have been bad enough to order off the menu twice a day (once for our break and once when we were done with our shift) - but nooo... we made our own custom foods. But I'm a whole lot smarter now :-) - UGH... But yes - NEVER snack on the food while you are working!

    I didn't know you may not be able to chew gum. Thought that would help fight back cravings and keep you busy and not thinking about all that food as "food."
  • gleechick609
    I used to work at McDonalds when I was a teen. I lost a good 50 lbs back then and was keeping off the weight while working there. What stopped me from pigging out was seeing all the grease...fat.....and what happens to the food behind the scenes. That alone made me bring my own lunch and dinner to eat!

    You need to have some willpower. Just think of all the crap that you are eating....it's only doing NEGATIVE things to your body!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I work as a Chef for a living and I definitely can tell you that it is VERY EASY not to eat while working because, unless you are taste-testing something (plastic spoon's worth), its actually against health codes and Serv-Safe guidelines to be eating behind 'the line' or in the work area. So, I dont know what circumstances you are in to be eating so much, but, think about the sanitation as well? Chewing gum is also something that you would find as an issue in the Serv-Safe environment as well. State health codes vary on the whole gum-chewing rule so make sure you discuss this with the person in charge...

    The one thing you CAN do is have water with you in a disposable container with a straw - that is the only health-code/Serv-Safe acceptable practice for having beverages with you in the food-environment. Make the effort to have a full glass before starting your shift.

    My team members are never expected to taste-test anything they dont want but the fellow chefs generally are the people who do. We do though support each other when it comes to weight loss, food sensitivities and such... BUT, eating anything more than a taste-testing, I will write up anyone because of the health codes and that actually eating something needs to be done during their 15 minute breaks and 30 minute breaks. It is a rule with good reason to exist....

    So consider this: If you gained 10lbs in two weeks, that is because you are putting the food to your mouth. You clearly need to stop. Every time you want to grab for food, you need to put it down and grab your water.... It is easy to put it down as it is to put it in your mouth....

    In case you are thinking it, no - I dont get the impulses to eat... There is too much to do to get functions and catering requests done, keeping my area clean and sanitized as I go. Washing my hands according to Serv-safe standards, gloving up when needed, etc... Its important to keep the area clean, and anyone who eats in that area is in turn creating an unsafe environment by not following sanitation procedures.... and Im not about to have people get sick...

    I was sort of wondering about this too - you shouldn't be putting food in your mouth while you are working with it for customers..... that would be gross. Your hands should be clean and sanitary when working with food. When I worked at Hardees as a kid - we would make our own food for our breaks - it would have been bad enough to order off the menu twice a day (once for our break and once when we were done with our shift) - but nooo... we made our own custom foods. But I'm a whole lot smarter now :-) - UGH... But yes - NEVER snack on the food while you are working!

    I didn't know you may not be able to chew gum. Thought that would help fight back cravings and keep you busy and not thinking about all that food as "food."

    OHHHH yeah, BIG TIME no-no! When you chew gum, you are risking your saliva flying out every time you chew. Also - the main problem is the "hand-to-mouth" problem with putting the gum in your mouth. I remember hearing my students say "thats baloney - my fingers never touch my mouth!!" Still doesnt matter - because your hand is dirty, grabbing gum, bringing it close to your mouth... and then you add in the whole NOT washing your hands, go back to work, cross-contamination BIG time!

    Today at work, one of our student-team members (she works and goes to school on campus), was told she had to stop chewing gum behind the line, its a corporate health-code violation AND a Serv-Safe violation. Well, little miss "doesnt happen to me" laughed at one of the customer's jokes and her gum went flying right into the guy's sandwich... she was removed from the station, the meal thrown away and one of the supervisors stepped in to remake the meal quickly. The girl was issued a written warning (I believe it was her second warning).... one more and she is fired per company policies.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I used to work at McDonalds when I was a teen. I lost a good 50 lbs back then and was keeping off the weight while working there. What stopped me from pigging out was seeing all the grease...fat.....and what happens to the food behind the scenes. That alone made me bring my own lunch and dinner to eat!

    You need to have some willpower. Just think of all the crap that you are eating....it's only doing NEGATIVE things to your body!

    We have a total of EIGHT fryers going at any given time... one set of two is dedicated for chicken only. The others could be for anything that is fried. The smell after having worked the fryers is NASTY... I can feel the steamy vapors on my skin, in my hair... BLEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... By the time I get home, I cant wait to jump in a hot shower and melt it all away!

    Thankfully though, we have a triple sized kitchen (our own separate facility on campus) plus the cooking stations and stationery food stations... lots of fresh foods to choose from at all times - we get to eat anything we want on our breaks... I cant tell you how awesome it is having fresh cut vegetables in my salad and freshly grilled turkey or chicken.... it is sooooo awesome!