


  • Xtina_Beba
    I added natural favors like:
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I love water. I drink a half gallon to a gallon of water a day.

    64oz of water is recommended. Try adding ice to your water. Slice of lemon even spice up water.

    You might even want to try to drink water out of a water bottle that has a straw.
  • Jambe
    Jambe Posts: 58 Member

    They taste good , even in 32 oz bottles.

    edit- They are also CHEAP.
  • AmythistRae
    I never drink plain water.... what you need are FLUIDS. There are several links about this in my sig.

    I get all of mine from protein shakes, soy milk, almond milk, milk, diet v8 splash, crystal light naturals, powerade zero, ice tea and coffee.

    I don't like plain water --- I know some people do. I don't need to hear that I have to force it down anyway - because that's not true.
    I don't like it with lemon either.

  • Ericgunner
    I to do not like the taste of water, I make up 2 L every day with a dash of orange juice just enough to make the water coloured. And leave it in the fridge to chill.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I weaned myself onto it slowly. First I would add a squash or ribena and gradually weaken it each time, try it on its own between bits of food or have a drink of something else and drink of water inbetween.

    Try a straw.. sipping on a tiny amount so there's not enough to gag on but the taste is still in your mouth. Do it whilst your busy doing something else like working on computer so you don't have much time to think about it. Try different brands of plain water, this may sound odd but they do have a slightly different taste in your mouth even though they are all meant to be plain water! I've got used to Evian bottled water as our tap water is not very nice, even after using filter jug first.

    It worked for me.. I can now drink plain water several cups a day.. I do also buy a flavoured water and mainly drink that at TOTM when I get sugar cravings so I'll have a lemon and lime water every so often inbetween the glasses of regular water to satisfy my sweet cravings.
  • paniologal
    paniologal Posts: 53 Member
    It's amazing how good water tastes if you're really sweaty and tired. I also recommend drinking it ice cold. Do you like tea or lemonade?

    You can get water from fruits too. Like apples, oranges, watermelon, etc. They aren't a substitute for the real thing but they do help.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    I need suggestions for getting water down. I gag on plain water. I do not like the "fake sugar" or zero calorie water. Is it important to get water down? What are some suggestions to spice it up and also how many oz of water should I drink in a day? I like the life water however there is 100 calories per bottle

    I used to be the same way when I was 16. I absolutely hated everything about water. I used Propel + Crystal Light a lot, then I got myself one of those 64oz huge bottles of water and I told myself that I had to drink that every day before I would allow myself a coke, sprite, etc.

    I remember I would pour it over ice and whenever it's really cold it seems to have no taste at all. Eventually after doing this for a few weeks, I started CRAVING water. Now I drink more water than any other drink.

    I know this may not help that much, but it worked for me. I whenever I take supplements I don't like I keep repeating to myself "Mind Over Matter." You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Just try flavor enhancers if not just chug it while it's cold :)
  • lookitscaitlin
    squeeze lemon, lime or orange juices into it? lol I can't stand drinking water straight from the tap, I have to have it refrigerated , it seems to taste better, or chucking loads of ice into it :)
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I found that I loved the taste of ice cold water with orange squash (cordial), started making it weaker and weaker now I just slug down plain old water...worked for me :-))