30DS dissapointed with myself



  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Some people have strengthened those muscles already. Push pause. Breath. Push play and finish it.
  • Keebler145
    Keebler145 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't be disappointed in yourself! You did great!! I am on level one day 5 and am still having trouble with stopping to catch my breath. Butt kicks really suck!! Stick to it and you will reap the benefits. Keep coming to message boards for words of encouragement. Good luck!
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    The first day I had to stop constantly. All those jumping jacks were not agreeing with me.

    Now, I'm doing the Shred all over again and went through the whole workout without stopping. Don't worry. It just takes time to get used to it. =D
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    yep I know the feeling, when I started the 30DS, I had to use no weight what so ever and do push ups on my knees with my butt in the air. It was so hard. Even last week, I was stuck at home with a sick kid and I did just level one. I did run 7 k last week end and can squat 110 pounds.....well the 30DS still kicked my *kitten*!!!!
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Practice makes perfect!! Don't give up. I had lots of siimilar experiences with the Shred too, but guess what I finished yesterday. You can do it! All that matters is that you are trying. Each day you do the shred work on improving something/anything. Keep working on it even if It takes you a while. :smile:
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Stick with the low impact, and just keep sticking with it. Its not easy at first, but it builds up your endurance. Just give it a go every day, and you can do it
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Heya darl,
    Don't be discouraged! You gotta start from somewhere! Imagine how proud of yourself you will be when you make it the whole day through!

    Just keep trying, if it was easy it wouldn't give such great results

  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks so much everyone all your words have seriously taken me from probably not trying again to making a plan to get this thing done, im considering working on the things I find the hardest first like the push ups and then when i feel confident with that starting it again , it gave me such a great workout and according to my hrm it burned 170 cals in just 19 min so thats also a good cal burn and i really can tell its going to make me stronger

    thanks again everyone and if anyone would liek to add me feel free :)
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Stick with 30DS but maybe eliminate the weights the first 30 days. Next you will be able to add the weights if you decide to go for it again. Ive just done day 2 and we are the same weight. I'm doing it with some weights because I have good upper body strength but with the cardio if I feel like I'm going to die I just grapevine a bit until I feel ready to join back in. You won't get a better workout for 20 mins xx
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    Don't be down on yourself. Try again tomorrow or in a couple days.

    My heaviest was not that heavy, and I tried doing 30DS the first time when I was around 150lbs. I could not make it through the entire video. Weight doesn't really have as much to do with it as conditioning. Some folks are just better at vids like that than others. I was part of the 'not-so-good-at-this' group, even though my weight was lower than many people going through it.

    Feeling shaky after pushing yourself to a new workout is totally normal. Do some stretches, drink a little water, and take it easy the rest of the night.

    Don't wait to lose weight and try again. Try again as soon as your muscles feel like they can handle it :) Tomorrow... the next day, two days from now - but not 3 months from now. You CAN do the video. Even if you have to do 19 minutes every day for 3 weeks, then that is 19 mins more than nothing!

    I agree! I was much like this poster. The first time I did the DVD, I was around 150-155 pounds. I found it really hard for me! I had to take small breaks and grab some water during the video. You can do it! And like she just said, even if you only do some of it--some is better than none! Good luck! :)
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks so much everyone all your words have seriously taken me from probably not trying again to making a plan to get this thing done, im considering working on the things I find the hardest first like the push ups and then when i feel confident with that starting it again , it gave me such a great workout and according to my hrm it burned 170 cals in just 19 min so thats also a good cal burn and i really can tell its going to make me stronger

    thanks again everyone and if anyone would liek to add me feel free :)

    The push ups are hard if you're not used to them, for sure! Just modify where you can and keep trying! :)
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    do the push ups against the wall or counter!!
  • msbrowneyes85
    When I first started 30DS I could not do the pushups not even by the 5th day it takes time so dont give up just because you couldn't make it all the way through the most important part is that you tried and should be very proud of yourself for the 19 mins you did do even if you had to stop a few times. Keep at it girl you will definitely feel the deference in your streangth as you do the workout each day. Good luck :flowerforyou: