sleepy in the afternoons

I'm always so sleepy once it hits about 3pm. In the past i would have had a coffee right about now to get me through the rest f the work day/evening. But i'm trying not to have any horrible instant coffee at the moment, (which is all the we have at work) and am only occasionally having tea. I got over the withdrawal headaches weeks ago, so don't think it is just a dependance on caffeine that i'm not feeding.

Any suggestions on what i can do to get more energy or why i might be so tired? I am having decently sized lunches but that is so i can have smaller dinners which i've heard is preferable. I'm not really keen to change that.
And i'm not having really sugary things or anything which could obviously cause a crash.

Oh and i should mention should anyone look at my diary that it is only as of today i've set up new categories to have morning and afternoon tea. This screwed around with all the previous days so that somehow lunches have ended up in morning tea section etc. So while the food is accurate the time of day isn't for any day except today onwards.



  • SunshineKisses_2012
    Eat an apple. Healthy and provides a boost. I try to have an apple a day (when I have the ones I like on hand - honey crisp or granny smith only for this girl). It provides the crunch I am wanting, the natural sugars give you a boos that won't make you crash, and all the fiber/vitamins/minerals don't hurt either. I have also switched to making SURE I have smaller meals throughout the day.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    You need to eat more. It happened to me at first too, I'd totally crash at 3pm. Make sure you're packing healthy snacks so you can munch throughout the day. Fruits, veggies, cottage cheese. Good luck!
  • michelledruss
    michelledruss Posts: 40 Member
    I make sure I have oatmeal or a banana in the morning, I eliminate all processed foods, the processed foods were making me so sluggish. No sugar or bread just sweet potatoes or brown rice as a healthy carb for lunch. I also have a protein shake around that time, sounds to me that your blood sugar is dropping.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    I make sure I have oatmeal or a banana in the morning, I eliminate all processed foods, the processed foods were making me so sluggish. No sugar or bread just sweet potatoes or brown rice as a healthy carb for lunch. I also have a protein shake around that time, sounds to me that your blood sugar is dropping.

    I really don't' think i should be eating more as i am usually a few calories over my goal (depending on what exercise i get to do after work).

    As far as quitting processed foods, i don't eat anything like that any more and haven't for some time. I avoid all bread, refined sugars etc. Today's lunch was a small piece of lamb, a small tin of tuna and a big fresh salad.
    Breakfast is always a green smoothie with protein powder.
    So as far as i can tell i'm doing everything right with the amount of eating (if anything i'm eating slightly too much) and what i'm eating. I did slip up slightly today by having two tiny little homemade biscuits someone made and brought in to work. First slip-up in a long time though and i find it difficult to believe it would be the cause for my tiredness today (since i'm tried other days i don't slip up).

    Might try the apple suggestion - i have heard they are as good as a coffee for waking up.

    Anyway only 1/2 hr more and i can go home and have a protein smoothie which sort me out enough to do my exercise and and hang on until dinner.
  • LillyMosley
    I get that sleepy in the afternoon thing too, have you had your iron checked, as mine is often low? I find mints, as odd as that sounds, can help, strong sugar free ones. If you find the answer please let me know :yawn: