Losing my motivation!!!!

It had all been going so well until I started to lose my focus. I've been with MFP for about a month and it had been going so well, losing a pound and a half every week, now the weight is starting to creep back on :frown:

I would love some more MFP friends who I can get some support, advice and motivation from, which I could also give in return, so don't be a stranger :wink: :happy:


  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Probably time to re-evaluate your calorie intake =)
  • theidarisafa
    your weight will fluctuate by 5-10 pounds, depending on salt and water intake.


    when most people start losing weight, they lose a lot very quickly, its usually just water weight. Check your salt intake.

    Muscle helps burn fat. Make sure that you're doing at least some resistance training, NOT just cardio.

    Fitness is a journey,NOT a destination. Life happens. Just try to make better decisions. You have failed no-one. You have let no one down. You may have gotten a little side tracked, but it's easy to get back on track.

    and PLEASE realize that you may gain about 10-15 during the holiday season of nov-jan. Its okay. Just try to minimize it. Enjoy the holiday meals with family, but make sure that you're doing good the other days. two or three big meals in the course of 3 months isn't going to really derail your whole program.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Hey I'll be your friend :). Don't lose motivation. :( you're 30 days in and that's a start. Sometimes it feels like a lot logging all the food and then finding time to work out but remember why you started in the first place. And I agree if weights creeping back on, take a step back, look at what you're doing. See what could be changed. Maybe your calorie goal.is too low. I raised mine and started losing again. Remember the number mfp gives you is a rough estimate of daily calories used. For a lot of people it's low. I read a thread tonight about the body Bugg and body media fit and a lot of people said their device showed a higher daily burn than what mfp calculated. They adjusted their intake and it worked. It takes time and there's plenty of bumps in the road but don't let that put you off. You owe it to yourself to keep trying. And if you stop now you'll probably regret it.
  • sally1992
    your weight will fluctuate by 5-10 pounds, depending on salt and water intake.


    when most people start losing weight, they lose a lot very quickly, its usually just water weight. Check your salt intake.

    Muscle helps burn fat. Make sure that you're doing at least some resistance training, NOT just cardio.

    Fitness is a journey,NOT a destination. Life happens. Just try to make better decisions. You have failed no-one. You have let no one down. You may have gotten a little side tracked, but it's easy to get back on track.

    and PLEASE realize that you may gain about 10-15 during the holiday season of nov-jan. Its okay. Just try to minimize it. Enjoy the holiday meals with family, but make sure that you're doing good the other days. two or three big meals in the course of 3 months isn't going to really derail your whole program.

    Amazing Advice, Thank you!
  • redcore
    This is usually about the time you start to hit a wall anyways. Persevere and push through! Shake up your diet and exercise. Soon enough it becomes a lifestyle change and you couldn't imagine going back ;)
  • sadikaz
    I know! Im like you, I so neeeeed to get back on track:(
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    Don't give up!! I got like that a while ago.. just shake things up with your diet/exercise regime and I'm sure the weight will start dropping off again!

    Feel free to add me and good luck x
  • sweatymary
    When I hit a wall my PT told me to 'shock my body' ... so I had a pizza and a few days of no training :-D When I got back on it again the weight and inches started to fall off once more :-D So don't lose heart, have a break, mix up your eating and exercising ... our bodies get used to what we do so keep it guessing :-D