
Hi....I have been on MFP since May and have lost 7kg, finished the 30ds and C25K, go running regularly and do zumba and go to the gym. I feel great. However I still have quite a lot to lose and have suddenly had this overwhelming realisation that I'm going to have to keep this up for the rest of my life if I'm ever to lose all the weight and keep it off. And frankly that's quite scary. Anyone else feel like this and how did you keep going?


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I know I will have to log food pretty much forever. Perhaps not as tightly and carefully as I do now, but definitely keeping a close eye on things. I know that when I stop logging, I tend to go off the rails. I need to control. Of course this might eventually change, but in the interests of my own health and sanity, when I'm done actually losing weight, I will certainly keep going with daily exercise, and food logging.

    For me this is simply the reality of things.

    I don't feel overwhelmed by that anymore (though I do recognise the feelings you describe!) - I just know that's how it is.
  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    I think this is really common for everyone from time to time. It can feel really overwhelming because it looks like a long road of work. But the alternative is not any more appealing - that's what I try to remind myself when I'm feeling this way.

    Do you like working out? You say you feel great, so focus on that! Why do you feel great? Because you're healthier, fitter, and have more energy? You're doing things with your body that you couldn't a few months ago.

    Sometimes when things feel overwhelming, you just need to pull it back in and focus on today. Tomorrow morning you'll be bummed if you don't work out today, and once you've finished working out today, you're DONE and can go home and relax.

    Tomorrow is another day.
  • matthewdill83
    You cant really look at like its a diet, and this some short term thing.. Granted once you get to your goal, you may not have to work out AS hard, but you will have to workout.. You will have to be just as strict with your food intake.. So dont look at it like its a short term diet, its your new life.. Its how its gonna be for as long as you wanna stay healthy.. Thats the mentality of i put in my head, and I have never felt more sure that I can do anything and lose all the weight I want to....
  • jmvh59
    jmvh59 Posts: 97
    Honestly, to get and stay in shape requires a significant lifestyle change. That's why the weight loss industry is such a moneymaker. Everybody is looking for a quick fix and would rather spend money than do the hard work.

    If you go back to your previous lifestyle, your body will transform back into its old state. Essentially, you have to motivate yourself to exercise and pay careful attention to your calorie intake if you want to have a body different from the one you naturally have. It will get easier to maintain the new lifestyle as you assimilate new routines.

    Keep your head up and look to your MFP community for support. We can all do this... : )
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Never forget, this is your journey to your destination. Once you get there you'll have to rethink your diet and exercise to stay there. So, I hold on to the fact that I'll (hopefully) get into a groove so to speak and regulate my diet and exercise to maintenance level. That obviously won't be 'as' gruelling as what I/we are putting ourselves through now because losing requires a bit more effort. Maintaining is more of a balancing act than a mad, rushed sprint.

    You won't be able to keep your calories as low and you won't be able to exercise as hard because you'll become underweight. You will get your groove, I'm sure.

    No, I won't ever be able to return to my sofa slug ways - No, I won't ever be able to eat a chinese three nights a week, but would I really want to go back there? NOPE! I was miserable!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I've accepted the fact this is an every day thing for me. Every day. Every meal. So, yes, for me I will have to monitor/log/exercise until the day I die if I want to get/stay in a healthy weight range.

    I no longer curse the fat gods, though. It is what it is. I deal with it, acknowledge it, move forward. It's kind of like eat/exercise/log repeat. Over and over for the next several years (I hope).
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yes. It is scary... I'm pretty much at my goal and although it is easier because my calorie allowance is higher, I'm having to think through how I got so overweight in the first place and what I'm going to do to stay at this weight now.
    For me, the best thing has been discovering that I really enjoy running so I'm motivated to exercise which helps a lot.
    Don't think too much about it, just do it!
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    This is not strictly true, since remember that you are on a calorie DEFICIT (or so should I hope, otherwise you would not lose!).
    So you should be able to eat more when you reach your goal.

    Exercising has got 3 purposes:
    - Adding some daily calories to your intake, so that you can eat more (you might not need this at the end of your journey, since you don't need to lose more),
    - Toning your body (if you are OK to compromise, you can exercise 2-3 times a week and still look very good),
    - Burning some extra cals daily with an increased muscle mass and BMR (this you might not need as much if you are still counting calories and careful with it)

    So you might just get away with eating more or less the same quantity as now, and exercise a tad less, to maintain your weight (you will have to find what works for you).
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Yup. Forever. Just like an alchoholic needs to not drink forever.