Who is just tired of it!!!!!!



  • mrsredneckmorris
    mrsredneckmorris Posts: 119 Member
    Are you tired of the food logging or eating healthy?

    This is a good question. (I will also ask myself)
    I find I go through phases when I just wish I was like others that could eat anything, and not worry about tracking/accounting for my intake, and historically that is when I have given up.
    At this point in my life I have come to understand this: "Pay now or pay later" meaning if I put the work in now I won't have to pay for it with my health later (hopefully). As for those that eat crappy and are slim naturally - I believe that they will most likely pay for their unhealthy ways with their health later in life.

    You have done incredibly well with your loss, and should be so very proud of your accomplishment.

    At that stage of weight loss, do you find that you can "eyeball" portions and know roughly your intake, or do you still need to track?
    Is it a fear of slipping if you don't count?
    If so, you could try not tracking and weigh yourself every week or two to see how you are doing "solo", if you gain, then start tracking again?
    Just some thoughts , and only my opinion. GoodLuck!
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    i think if you've been counting for 2 years, you should have a pretty good idea of what you can and cant eat.

    While I'm not tired of it necessarily, I just don't do it anymore. I have done it for 5 months straight. I know what I eat. I know what I SHOULDN'T eat. I have done away with processed foods, grains (about 95%) and almost all refined sugar. I found that when I was counting I had to really work to overdo it. I don't see it as a necessity anymore.

    Good luck and keep kicking *kitten*!
  • tmaksparkie
    Yes I am a mom of 2(14&12) and a daycare provider to 7 kids, a wife also. I cook for my family, daycare kids and my in- laws because they need help losing weight also. So in a day I cook 3 meals, 3 snacks for 11 people 12 if my husband is around. So very busy
  • tmaksparkie
    Are you tired of the food logging or eating healthy?

    I would have to say at this point it is a little of both. I am so tired of food logging but only a little tired of the healthy food. Of course around PMS time I so wish I could be like everyone else and just eat what I want when I want but that only lasts like 2 days then I get over it. I don't mind the food I eat I just feed alot of people and it really gets to me the planning prep and shopping and cooking. I used to love to cook now I cannot stand to cook.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i felt the same way and took a couple weeks off of logging. i am back at it now and it doesn't feel as tedious. maybe you just need to allow yourself to take a break.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If I was tired of logging I'd stop logging. I lost most of my weight before I started logging anyway so I don't think stopping would cause me to gain it back. I have stopped logging weekends for the most part because I've not been eating at home much on the weekends so I'm just guessing at what I ate anyway.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    hey hun I feel you on this and now I am making a change. I watched Dr. Oz yesterday and he was talking about the vegan diet and how you don't count calories because you can as much as you want. Its a little extreme for me so I decided to go vegetarian for awhile (of course after I finish the roast chicken in the fridge!) and just see how it pans out.

    A vegan diet doesn't necessarily mean a healthy or a low calorie diet. Sugar doesn't have any meat products in it after all.
  • shelly650
    I understand your frustration!! I have decided not to log for the next while and see how I get on! Today is day 1 and I noticed that im now looking for different foods to fit into my calorie goal! I actually was just eating to add up my calories! Not because I was hungry or had a craving........just to add up the numbers! This then led to boredom which made me eat and become frustrated! I have just ate my 3 meals today and am going to have a piece of fruit before I go to bed! I havent worried about food at all today, which is unlike me as I am always planning my next meal! Im sorry but food should not be the centre focus of a 17 year olds life! Id advise taking a few weeks break from logging....keep eating healthily and in moderation! You have to ask yourself, do you want to log every last piece of food that enters your mouth for the rest of your life???? I sure as hell dont!! Take a break.....you deserve it!! :)
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Agreed here, I just took a few days off logging my food which is good considering I did sample some of my son's Halloween candy (just to make sure it was safe of course.) I notice that some of the behaviors encouraged on this site can border on Obsessive Compulsive if taken to the extreme (like weighing your food in restaurants.) I would not be surprised if there are people here who weigh their poo. Hey, if that's their thing, I suppose it is okay. Most importantly I think weighing food some and logging fairly often help build your awareness of portion sizes and build up healthy habits. I would say that after two years you have more than built those good habits.
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    First, losing all that weight is commendable! I cannot wait for the day where I can say that I, too, have lost over 100 pounds...way to go! If you feel comfortable with your eating habits then take a break by all means! I don't log if we go away for the weekend, but I am aware of what I eat and how much...it makes the time away less stressful!

    IMHO...I know that I will need to "log" food for a very long time...probably forever...in the few short months I have been logging, yes, I agree, it can be quite tedious, but I am a big time binge eater and this has really helped put things into perspective for me, as far as, what I eat and don't want to eat...it has prevented me, more times than you can imagine, from just shoveling in what ever happens to be within reach just because it is there...have I had my moments? Sure, but I log it...it may depress me at the time, but I get over it...my binges have decreased considerably and I actually think about it before I act upon it knowing I have to log it...I am very thankful to have found MFP through my husband. It has been life changing for me!