
Hello everyone! I have been a vegetarian since 4 October, 29 days!! I feel great, I sleep better, my mood has improved, I save a ton of money and I LOOK different. I am pretty sure that I will eventually drop some weight off but I would like some advice from some "seasoned" vegetarians. Like, what are some good things to eat other than usual, how you watch your calorie intake and what are some motivational ideas/phrases that keep you going. I honestly don't see the need to go back to meat any time soon because I am enjoying this feeling and the challenge!


  • sunshinekind
    I avoid processed stuff as much as possible: no meat replacements, soy nuggets or any of those things because they're made of weird stuff I can't name, are loaded with fillers, and are usually breaded or filled with cheese to make them taste good. If you're eating lots of fruits and veggies, chances are you're on the right track. I've also leaned away from using tofu too. Using it too frequently can put your estrogen out of whack, so I use it about once a week. I get my protein from beans, nuts, seeds, etc. Hope this helps. :)
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I had eliminated red meat for years... recently eliminated chicken and now am a "pescatarian" meaning I allow fish only, and only if there is no alternative.

    I find that Indian food has lots of delicious vegetarian options that you can easily cook at home. Try Channa Masala or Aloo Gobi to get started.

    I eat a lot of lentils, chickpeas, and eggs.

    The biggest thing to avoid is snacking... it's easy to go to the triscuits or twinkies because they are NON meat, but try to stick with healthy snacks where you can. Almonds, fruits and veggies are great! And peanut butter is a staple in my house. Try PB2... it's a peanut butter you mix with water that has practically no calories or fat compared to regular peanut butter. :) You can eat it or cook with it and it is quite delicious.
  • carrie1610
    carrie1610 Posts: 54 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for many years, since I was around 15. I cook with lots of vegetables, beans, lentils, sometimes a small amount of pine nuts or cashew nuts. I also eat dairy, though I'm not too fond of eggs! I make my own vegetarian versions of meals such as lasagne, chilli, pasta dishes, shepherd's pie etc.

    Since using the food tracker on MFP I haven't really altered my meals much at all as they're fairly healthy, though my portion sizes of rice, pasta and cheese are now measured and are smaller. The reason I put on weight is too big portions and probably most of all my fondness for unhealthy snacks (crisps, chocolate) - which I do still have but not too often and in much smaller portions! It seems to be working as I've lost a few pounds!
  • carrie1610
    carrie1610 Posts: 54 Member
    As Sunshinekind mentioned, I avoid meat replacements too. I really don't like them!
  • sunshinekind
    I actually put a lot of weight on when I first became vegetarian also because cheese is allowed. I used to eat so much cheese... on crackers or a grilled cheese sandwich, practically as a meal. That's what made it hard at first because you think you're making a healthier choice but if you don't educate yourself, a lot of the junk foods are still "okay".

    As far as inspiration goes, I use my shopping bill! About $100-125 a week feeds 4 people three meals a day, all week. Can't beat it, and we use as much fresh as possible!