Crazy dog woman

Hi, I"m also (sorta) new here. I've been tracking on MFP on/off since May, and have used others before that. I'm not trying to lose any weight, nor gain any weight. I don’t “diet,” never have, as I think that’s a really good way to kill natural metabolism. I'm just trying to keep better track of what I'm eating. Left to my own devises, I eat sort of like a raccoon, whatever I can find, usually over-processed "convenience" foods. If I’m tracking what I eat, I notice when I’ve logged 3 McD meals in a day, or that I haven’t drank anything but coffee. So I’m on here to keep try to eat more fresh foods, drink at least my 8 cups of H2O a day, and make sure I’m walking/jogging with my dog, my puppy-love-girl, Mischief, everyday. Feel free to check in on my food diary and send obscenities my way if I’m trying to live out of the vending machines at work.
