Hey, New Girl!!

I am new here. I started using MyFitnessPal for a school project and I really like it. I am using it in conjunction -- sort of -- with Weight Watchers, except I don't go to meetings. I am trying to do this all on my own. This, school, mommy-ing, wife-ing, living...it's stressful. I'm stressed. I stress eat. My beginning weight was 187. I was down to 163, but am back up to about 168. This battle isn't so much about weight as it is about health. I am 5'6". I want to weigh somewhere between 135-150 lbs. I would love a buddy...even an online weight loss buddy to talk to about it...family isn't really supportive. Any advice is welcomed.


  • afigueroa_pr
    Feel free to add me and welcome!
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    Feel free to friend request me. I'd be happy to help support and encourage you in your weight loss journey, if you will do the same for me. Best wishes, ~Sherry