I'm Angry



  • Iamachocaholic
    So many people have written wonderful notes to you today ... :-)

    Take heart and don't be so hard on yourself. Forgive the past.

    All of us have had our own demons (or versions thereof) that caused us to finally stand up for ourselves and make US a priority ... you are here now, and that's what matters!

    Feel free to friend me!
  • Rica4rmd
    Welcome!!! I too have not too long ago started on my journey and I have been going on strong and then slacking which has been the story of my weight loss life but I plan to stay strong this time for real!!! Good luck to you and believe in yourself and the rest comes naturally!
  • ezBrizy
    ezBrizy Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome! I totally understand your frustration, I felt the same way. Don't beat yourself up, congratulate yourself on your decision to do better. My best advice would be to stick with it. I was making progress when I was checking in everyday but I slipped away and gained more weight. I've recently recommitted myself so feel free to add me.
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    I think so many of us feel the same way and that's why we've decided to "take control" and do something!! Let your "anger" work for you and become your "resolve!" We're behind you 100% and we all need help. . .we've realized it. . . .and we're doing something about it! That's the first step toward our goal to become losers!!
  • Back2Paul
    WOW! You guys are great! Thank you for the encouragement. I'm glad I joined!
  • kastiltner
    Welcome to the MFP world. I have been here for 10 days today and this place is such a huge support system for me. I didn't even discover the online version until like 2 days ago and I've already started getting so much support it's unbelievable. In fact, had I not gotten a few extra encouraging words on my status last night, I probably would've skipped my workout! But I DIDN'T! If you really want it, you can do it!!! You are a strong person and it shows by your emotions, you can do this and you've got us here to help you! :)
  • mariabrn
    This is my first week. I'm here because I'm angry at myself for letting my weight get out of control. Although I am not struggling with obesity (yet), I have been in a downward spiral for a few years now, and am in the worst shape I've ever been in. I don't exercise, I eat too much at every meal. I snack throughout the day. I don't have the energy to play with my kids. I'm angry. I'm ready to do something about it. I start tracking everything NOW. Any encouragement will help. Thanks!

    I think you are on the right path. We all, at one point, decided for some reason that we want to change. Change ourselves inside and out. Whether it is anger, fear of future/present illnesses or vanity that gives us the fuel to escape gravity, our natural tendencies, learned behaviors, destructive coping mechanisms, it doesn't really matter. Use this anger to help you through hard times and plateaus during your lifestyle change. In the meantime be patient with yourself, it won't happen overnight and you may even stumble but it is the direction that matters not the accuracy or speed of the journey. I wish you the best and keep sharing your experience with us!
  • mariabrn
    BTW, I am buying a punching bag and will put pictures of items that I crave on it and punch the heck out of them! lol
    pictures of a couch, a double chocolate magnum, a plate stuffed with food, a person watching tv and snacking, words like "self-pity", "self-sabotage". You guys are welcome to add to my list!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    This is a great way to start. Turn the anger into determination. No need to dwell on the past but just it as fuel for the future! You can do this and it s a great site to stay focused! I am 6 days strong so far and i do not intend on going back! Add me :) we can stay determined
    I agree get determined. You will find this easier than you think. Just find a way to get more movement, take a walk, find some dvd's. I use the Wii we have in the house. Log the good and tthe not so good. Do alittle reading here and you can find some good ideas. Best of luck to you. I know this site has help me alot.