How to deal with hunger and cravings

It's been 7 years since I lost 100lbs but I still live with the same issues I had when I was over 300lbs. They say once you an alcoholic you are always an alcoholic and I think the same is true with obesity.

This right now is the hardest time of the year for me, now through New Years. Some of the tricks I use to get through it are:

1. Always carry Altoids or minty gum so when I walk into a "Red Alert" situation like if someone just brought a box of donuts to work. I can quickly ruin my taste buds with the minty freshness,. Trust me a chocolate donut does not taste very good just after having a "curiously strong mint"

2. Lots of fiber, they actually make sugar free fiber tablets not that taste pretty darn good. 2 of them have 4 grams of fiber and when you drink a large glass of water with it your hunger kind of goes away.

3. Low-fat cheese sticks and beef jerky, like the fiber the high protein snacks kill hunger with less calories.

4. Raw veggies, for some it takes some time getting used to the flavor of them but it's a high volume snack with extremely low calories.

5. The above is just a great over-all tip, eat foods that are high volume/low calories. The exact opposite of the calorie dense junk food that surrounds us.

Any other tips?


  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks for the tips. I always keep minty gum around to chew to keep me from eating but never occured to me to pop a piece when temptation is around.

    Good luck dealing with the holidays and keep your head up. Looks like you've done a heck of a job already!
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you for all of the ideas!
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    minty gum or mints is usually what does the trick for me, just wanted to tell you that your before and after pictures are amazing!
  • BiancaNayomi
    Mhm, I always have sugar free gum with me in different flavours :)
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I usually just chug a glass of water or have a sugar-free jello cup.

    I find if I let myself get too hungry, that's when the cravings are at their worst so I try to always have a snack handy.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Very good tips! I am a huge proponent of volume eating. I will bulk up meals with very low cal veggies so it feels like I'm eating a ton, when I am really eating very low cal. I also am a huge fan of eating a snack that has high protein rather than an empty calorie 100 calorie snack pack or something else processed that doesn't curb hunger at all. Also, if I have a fruit as a snack I ALWAYS pair it with a protein to avoid sugar spikes that can cause hunger!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Really great post! Thank you! I also eat at home before going to holiday parties... easier to skip out on high cal stuff when you are full from healthy food.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I struggle this time of year, I will definitely be trying your mint suggestion!

    Oh and your pictures in your sig... you look AMAZING!!!!
  • AMIS456
    AMIS456 Posts: 34 Member
    Keeping healthy snacks on hand definitely helps me! I also find that scheduling time when I can splurge ( dinner out with friends) helps keep me from cheating because I know I have a time coming up. And if I ever give into a craving I am not too hard on myself and know that I tomorrow is a new day to do better. :)
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Love your tips, but I am also a good old fan of will power, self discipline and lots of water (I say lots-I mean when I'm "feeling" hungry, I have some and it usually takes the "hunger" away as really, it was thirst!) I also however use some of your suggestions. I also try and use as much low GI food as possible and with every planned meal/snack so I can have a constant regular blood glucose level.

    Another trick I do is to keep myself busy in places where food isn't readily available to eat then and there. So i only take a few planned snacks in to work which I keep in my handbag. Sometimes, especially in the approach control room or on console, I can't get to my handbag when I have a pang of hunger, normally I survive and an assistant will bring me a plain cup of tea or water during a brew round and that normally suffices!

    I also try to go to the gym right after work and make it a decent workout, then type a few bits and bobs on here, get showered, drive to the shops and then come back and slowly and leisurely cook my dinner with care whilst sipping a small ish glass of water so as to make me feel slightly full with the water and delicious aromas so I end up eating a small to regular sized portion of food. I also try to eat foods with a high ish water content and low calorie density like chopped tomatoes!

    Great post! :)
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Thank you!

    I will be honest, I always struggle with will power. I love food and I know i always will. Having my Spike Day does help with this but I still have hard days. I find I need to be pro-active with this.
  • yungoe
    These are great suggestions. I am going to pick up some Altoids today.