Anyone Else Battling Depression?



  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Do you get out in the sun much? Vitamin D3 has helped me regulate. Good luck!

    This ^
    I read a study not very long ago about how those living in Alaska have a higher suicide and depression rate. One study suggested it was due to lack of sunlight affecting serotinin and other chemicals
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Do you get out in the sun much? Vitamin D3 has helped me regulate. Good luck!

    This ^
    I read a study not very long ago about how those living in Alaska have a higher suicide and depression rate. One study suggested it was due to lack of sunlight affecting serotinin and other chemicals

    Yeah, probably something I should definitely start taking
  • ladycrescentmoon
    I am battling with depression. I wish I could find motiviation and enough love for myself to want to exercise. I hope the best for you.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Very much so.

    Have you thought of trying a lightbox? My mother loves hers and says it makes her feel much better in the winter. I'll use it when I visit and notice a difference too. Might be worth getting your Vit D levels checked too, just to make sure you aren't deficient.

    It is good that you are able to open up about it, even if it is just online. There are so many types of therapy that can help a lot too, sometimes it is just a matter of finding the right one and a good doctor. Hope you start to feel better soon :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Very much so.

    Have you thought of trying a lightbox? My mother loves hers and says it makes her feel much better in the winter. I'll use it when I visit and notice a difference too. Might be worth getting your Vit D levels checked too, just to make sure you aren't deficient.

    It is good that you are able to open up about it, even if it is just online. There are so many types of therapy that can help a lot too, sometimes it is just a matter of finding the right one and a good doctor. Hope you start to feel better soon :)

    I've looked into the SAD lights, but a lot of them are really expensive! I used to go tanning and that helped, but since then I've realized how bad it is and stopped :)
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    What is the your reasoning behind not taking meds. I think that they can be over-prescibed and abused, but if you are already eating healthy, exercising (which are the most effective anti-depressants) and can not afford therapy, starting a light medication with a history of being weight gain neutral might be a course of action to think about.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    What is the your reasoning behind not taking meds. I think that they can be over-prescibed and abused, but if you are already eating healthy, exercising (which are the most effective anti-depressants) and can not afford therapy, starting a light medication with a history of being weight gain neutral might be a course of action to think about.

    Um, I've never been down with any kind of meds really. I rarely even take ibuprofen for headaches, etc. I just don't like pumping my body with chemicals. I'm going to try the natural way (vitamins/therapy/etc) and if that just doesn't work, and nothing else helps, I might consider meds. I just don't like the idea of them!
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    I completely agree with the Vit D thing, I have only been here in Alaska for about year and I was SO depressed when we first moved here, and all I wanted to do was sleep all day. After I started taking the Vit D that changed a lot. It can't hurt to try it. :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I completely agree with the Vit D thing, I have only been here in Alaska for about year and I was SO depressed when we first moved here, and all I wanted to do was sleep all day. After I started taking the Vit D that changed a lot. It can't hurt to try it. :)

    Yeah, I think I might go pick some up today. :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I might consider meds. I just don't like the idea of them!
    I was like this for a while. I would cry and wish like mad to feel better. I would tell myself I'd do anything to feel better. Then a voice in my head would say, "really? but you won't try meds?" I got over myself...

    and yes, I talk to myself...
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    What is the your reasoning behind not taking meds. I think that they can be over-prescibed and abused, but if you are already eating healthy, exercising (which are the most effective anti-depressants) and can not afford therapy, starting a light medication with a history of being weight gain neutral might be a course of action to think about.

    Um, I've never been down with any kind of meds really. I rarely even take ibuprofen for headaches, etc. I just don't like pumping my body with chemicals. I'm going to try the natural way (vitamins/therapy/etc) and if that just doesn't work, and nothing else helps, I might consider meds. I just don't like the idea of them!

    I'm with you, I hate taking meds. Especially pain killers. That way when I really need them, they tend to work well since I have no resistance. But consider this, if this is a depression brought on by enviornmental factors like upbringing or a past trauma, short term meds can bring you a little more stability until you have had the time (ideally therapy) to deal with the underlying problems.

    If this is a hormonal or chemical imbalance, since the brain is an organ as is the heart, there is more likely a chemical solution. If you were having heart problems that was beyond the help of exercise and diet, would you take heart meds? Many people balk at taking meds for mental conditions like depression because of the stigma they carry. But an organ is an organ. Just something to think about.

    I hope no matter what road you decide to take that you feel better soon.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    I've been battling depression for a while now and I've noticed that since I've started my weight loss journey it's really affected my emotions to the point of pretty dramatic mood swings/more commonly depressed. I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue? Support from others going through the same problems would be great, especially since you know how it feels.
    Thanks :)

    I've been recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder and i found my mood swings got extremely bad when i first started my weightloss journey and when i re-started after falling off. Since then i've been put on medication and so far its going pretty good (its only been a few days), but i have also found the exercise helpful. I think as well after i had settled into a routine that seemed to help alot, i think if you give it some time, do some exercise that should help a lot. and the support here is good too. i have been doing my exercises outside so its posible the vitamin d has helped me too - worth a shot at least since lots of other ppl have suggested it can help.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I was like this for a while. I would cry and wish like mad to feel better. I would tell myself I'd do anything to feel better. Then a voice in my head would say, "really? but you won't try meds?" I got over myself...

    and yes, I talk to myself...
    I talk to myself when I'm crying, which makes it seem even more pathetic. Then I realize what I'm doing, think about how weird I am, and get over it. Hahaha :)
    I'm with you, I hate taking meds. Especially pain killers. That way when I really need them, they tend to work well since I have no resistance. But consider this, if this is a depression brought on by enviornmental factors like upbringing or a past trauma, short term meds can bring you a little more stability until you have had the time (ideally therapy) to deal with the underlying problems.

    If this is a hormonal or chemical imbalance, since the brain is an organ as is the heart, there is more likely a chemical solution. If you were having heart problems that was beyond the help of exercise and diet, would you take heart meds? Many people balk at taking meds for mental conditions like depression because of the stigma they carry. But an organ is an organ. Just something to think about.

    I hope no matter what road you decide to take that you feel better soon.
    Same! I only take pain meds if I honestly cannot handle the pain any longer, and I've tried everything else (napping, relaxing, etc).
    My depression isn't from past trauma (luckily) but I haven't been clinically diagnosed, so I'm not sure of the exact reasoning behind it. I bet environmental factors are a lot, but then again who knows! Thanks for your support.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I talk to myself when I'm crying, which makes it seem even more pathetic.
    I don't think it's pathetic. But it's OK if you think I'm pathetic...
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I talk to myself when I'm crying, which makes it seem even more pathetic.
    I don't think it's pathetic. But it's OK if you think I'm pathetic...

    No way! Don't tell me we're going to have a pathetic-off.. Like eating straight up frosting and crying..
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Another thought about light... I know the lightboxes are expensive (otherwise I'd probably have one too!) and I thought of something that might help... a UV lamp used for reptiles... my turtle is basking away under his right now which is what gave me the idea :p I tend to sit by him sometimes :p The UV light is ment to mimic the natural sunlight and give them the Vitamin D which also helps them absorb the calcium... it actually seems really similar to a lightbox, though I'll keep reading up on it. You can get those things quite cheaply at a petstore or online. It might be worth a try.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Another thought about light... I know the lightboxes are expensive (otherwise I'd probably have one too!) and I thought of something that might help... a UV lamp used for reptiles... my turtle is basking away under his right now which is what gave me the idea :p I tend to sit by him sometimes :p The UV light is ment to mimic the natural sunlight and give them the Vitamin D which also helps them absorb the calcium... it actually seems really similar to a lightbox, though I'll keep reading up on it. You can get those things quite cheaply at a petstore or online. It might be worth a try.

    Great idea! thanks.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    I talk to myself when I'm crying, which makes it seem even more pathetic.
    I don't think it's pathetic. But it's OK if you think I'm pathetic...

    No way! Don't tell me we're going to have a pathetic-off.. Like eating straight up frosting and crying..

    There's nothing wrong with talking to yourself. Is just a way of organise your thoughts to better understand them. :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I talk to myself when I'm crying, which makes it seem even more pathetic.
    I don't think it's pathetic. But it's OK if you think I'm pathetic...
    No way! Don't tell me we're going to have a pathetic-off.. Like eating straight up frosting and crying..
    There's nothing wrong with talking to yourself. Is just a way of organise your thoughts to better understand them. :)
    It's only bad if you answer yourself...which I do
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I echo that exercise, nutrition, and sleep are VERY important when dealing with depression. Vitamins, and the right amount of carbs, fat, and protein are all equally important. Sleep enough but not too much. Try to exercise every day. Although it is different for everyone, my personal experience with depression is that when I exercise every day, I pretty much never have depression symptoms. You do have to monitor what is going on in the rest of your life though. Eliminate sources of stress that are feasible to eliminate. Create/seek a support system-in person, on the phone, online-use all resources! There is excellent information online about depression too, as well as forums.

    If proper diet, sleep, and exercise do not help you, you may have to consider medication. Sometimes, depression is just a chemical imbalance and medication is neccesary. Keep in mind that it can take up to 6 weeks or more for a medication to start working, and it may take a few different ones to find one that works for you. Drs often have samples you can try. Hopefully, with exercise, etc, you may not need medication (for me, exercise is better than medication, because a side effect of pretty much all antidepressants, for me, even at low doses is that I feel a bit like a zombie. That is not the case for everyone, but it does effect me like that, and I am a pretty passionate and animated person, I like to feel the highs and the lows, as long as I can manage the lows! Exercise helps me a lot).

    Make a commitment to yourself to do things that make you happy-EVEN if you don't feel like it or you feel like you don't have the time.

    Oh and I saw another poster said going gluten free was helpful-same for me. Gluten free and dairy free especially was awesome. Depression is actually a symptom of a gluten or dairy intolerance. I eat dairy again now, but very little of it.
    Good luck! Depression is a tough road to walk, but if you figure out what works for you it is totally manageable and you can be entirely symptom free. I feel amazing since I've kicked my depression out the door!