
Hello! I have been doing My Fitness Pal 13 days now and lost 12lbs! I have struggled with my weight ever since I gained weight AFTER the birth of my daughter. I suffered with Postpartum Depression that led to just bad depression for a few years. Anyway, my depression has been gone since around November consistently, and I am finally tackling my weight. I enjoy using the app and website because I can eating healthy foods and keep track of everything.

I have been exercising everyday for at least 35 minutes to start. I hope I continue to see progress as I know I have a long road ahead of me!

By the way what does NSV mean???? I see it on a lot of post here! Sorry if it's a stupid question, I was just curious :)


  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome! Free free to add me!

    NSV is non-scale victory i believe... Breaking some non weight barrier...being able to do something you previously couldnt do, fitting a smaller size of clothes etc :)
  • mandif3
    mandif3 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks, that makes sense, lol.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Wonderful loss! Keep up the great work, feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like!