Back in the saddle

Well, I have (over the past 8 years) lost and gained 30 pounds 4X. This time I only let 10 creep back on before I got my *kitten* back in gear this time. I never "quit" but I get too relaxed and gain. Sooooo 11/1/2011 is my re-start date. I don't know if I get over confident because I start to look better or if I subconsciously do it because of some fear...either way, I am back in the saddle and kicking my own *kitten*. I used to be a fitness instructor for Christ sake!
Well, realistically speaking, now is a good time if I really DO want to be hot for summer, fit enough to run a race etc. I am sure I am not alone in this vicious cycle...friend me if you would like---we can all use the support to find our motivation and get pushing!


  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    I feel your saddle sores!! I am back on this site after letting things get too comfortable and have at least 20 to lose. 25 would be even better, but I'll settle for the first one right now. I have lost a good part of this 20 pounds a few times, but not very recently, which is worrisome. Need a good kick -- thanks for the motivating message ---
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    Options are literally in the saddle.
    I have a purely figurative one. I would like to lose about 15 and then work on running. I was in the Navy when I was 18 and trained in a commissioning program with Marines. I don't think I have ever enjoyed running but I want to.
    My hubby has run 2 1/2 Marathons and wants to run Chicago in 2012. I will be happy with a 5K :tongue:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    I certainly like to keep our two horses running around, and would like to look a lot better perched up there... Otherwise, I hope to do some serious hiking next summer (gave up on the bathing suit thing many years ago, but shorts would be nice!) and will finally have some time to reach that goal. I have been in a stressful admin job in a university in Montreal for the past 10 years, after many years as a prof, and now will have a 6 month break for good behaviour (at work, at least) and then back to teaching again. This winter is my chance to get back in shape and to think beyond the day-to-day crises of administration. I'd be happy with long walks without too much running, but hills are fine by me. My 19-year-old daughter is just about to go into the military reserves in Canada while she is studying at university, so your stories will be welcome! I am sure she'll end up in awesome shape.