gradual increase in control

I've always struggled with overeating/binge-eating. Usually my mind would go blank and I would mindlessly eat and eat and only after the fact I would snap out of my trance and think "why did I do that?! I shouldn't have done that!".

I knew the things I should be doing when I felt myself start to lose control of my eating. I should stop, think about what I'm doing, and stop! But for whatever reason I just ignored those thoughts and went ahead and ate anyway cuz it felt good. Like a drug.

So I've been doing this MFP thing for 2 months now and along with changes in my body I'm noticing changes with my mind. And it is kinda weirding me out...

Take tonight for example. I ate dinner, and then I had dessert. And then I looked at the bowl of Halloween candy and I actually rooted around in the bowl to see which candy I would eat. And then something in the back of my brain made me stop and I thought " I going to regret it later if I DONT eat this candy? probably not...I've had candy before...I'm not really missing anything...and I already had something sweet tonight... yep I would probably survive if I just brushed my teeth for the evening". So then I put the candy down and went upstairs and brushed my teeth! WEIRD. It wasn't a major struggle in my brain or anything... it just felt like the right thing to do. And it was pretty easy.

I guess I'm posting this here because I get so hung up on the gradual loss of pounds, but it is really motivational to me to notice the gradual increase of control over my eating.

Has anyone else noticed that it is becoming easier to be in control of their eating? Anyone else as surprised by it as I am?


  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Absolutely. Last night I was thinking "hmmm I need something sweet after that dinner..." but then thought better of it and just carried on with what I was doing without even having the treat enter my mind again.

    It was a little bit liberating!
  • GetMySkiniBack
    Definitely. I usually always need something sweet after a meal, and I too just mindlessly reach for something without even really stopping to think, "am I really still hungry?" or "why do I want to keep eating when everyone else is done?" Just today, I ate my lunch ( soup & crackers) and just stopped. I didn't realize until after I got home from work that I was able to just. Stop. And even tonight, at a restaurant, where we can easily go overboard, I totally thought through what I was going to eat, what I wouldn't eat, and I still had a great time. No dessert needed!

    Great point!