Late-Night Face Stuffing



  • deucesarewild1
    deucesarewild1 Posts: 36 Member
    I know a guy who cannot say no to something if it's in his home, so every day after work he buys the groceries he needs for that day only and keeps his cupboards otherwise empty. He buys stuff for breakfast but leaves it at work. Extreme, but he finds it to be necessary - and it certainly worked! He lost a ton of weight.
  • youcandoitjess
    I know a guy who cannot say no to something if it's in his home, so every day after work he buys the groceries he needs for that day only and keeps his cupboards otherwise empty. He buys stuff for breakfast but leaves it at work. Extreme, but he finds it to be necessary - and it certainly worked! He lost a ton of weight.

    Wish I could, but I live with parents... :-\

    I put a sign up by my bed that says "how bad do you want it?" in hopes that it'll stop me from eating at 2 am, but I may not even notice it!
  • evergreen1959
    I also have the same issue. I thought mine was due to Hormones. But Im not sure. Just that every night between 2-5 Im going to be awake at least 2 times to eat. I feel like im sooooo hungry from protein during those hours. I eat peanut butter or cheese then go back to bed.

    I also try to do a work around with my Calories, to make sure I have a few extra to make up for this.
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    I snack in the middle of the night as well! Not all the time but sometimes. I don't usually eat a lot but I do wake up in the middle of the night and go straight to the kitchen and get snacks. Its so weird. I usually get a piece of cheese (?) or a handful of cereal or something weird like that. I don't think I'm sleep walking/eating but I am definitely not fully awake. I don't know what this means or how to stop it. Sometimes I think I don't eat enough during the day and this makes me get up and eat in the wee hours of the morning.
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    I feel relieved knowing that I'm not the only one that does this though!
  • mcb816
    mcb816 Posts: 24
    Yes yes. This happened to me when I was over training / not eating enough in the day. I would literally wake up at 3am and hoard the cabinets. I would eat anything and everything that I could finddd. It was bc my body was STARVING and I had way too many left over calories try to organize your calories a little better so it's pretty even throughout the day. A little of it happens out of habit but it goes away if your body isn't restless / starving looking for calories throughout the night.
  • evergreen1959
    It happens to me even if I have plenty of Cal's fat and protein. Not sure why. I may have had over 100-125 grams of protein, and not exercise that day and still crave the protein in the middle of the night.

    I understand that some are on a heavy exercise regimen and their bodies demand more during the day or they will be hungry at night. But this has been happening about 5 years for me and when it started it started all at once. I have tried to break it many many times. I will not sleep if I don't get protein in the middle of the night. I tried really forcing the correction a year ago. After I would wake up it would be 6 am before I would fall asleep again. I did that for 7 days... So I decided for what ever reason this is how my body is wired, and found a way to work around it. It keeps me from driving my self nuts about it. And also as long as I maintain, or loose when I wan to loose, I have come to terms with it.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Do you know why you do this? If you are actually hungry then I'd try to work with that... maybe eat the bulk of your calories in the evening. But could there be some other cause? Does it happen when you're stressed? Or just like every night?
  • evergreen1959
    youcandoitjess Re the Ambein> OMG I cant take that stuff. I know what you mean about finding things eaten or around the house eaten, My daughter caught me sleep walking and talking one night. I thought I was in bed dreaming. I remember even thinking I would get my key and go to the store.

    After that I heard a News story about people eating whole slabs of raw bacon, and other stuff. And Driving while asleep. On Ambein.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    keeping the protein high helps
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I have this problem too. Every night I wake up between 1am-2am and I want food. I'm concious, but I can't seem to stop myself. Some nights it's worse then others. Last night I just had 2 slices of cheese with a couple deli slices of ham and a squirt of mustard. Other nights I hit the peanut butter and cereal. I too live with my parents and 16 year old son, so there are all kinds of 'bad' foods that I have to resist. It's so weird. I've tried everything and so far haven't had a solution.

    The only thing that's worked for me is if I'm completely worn out exhausted...and I take a valium or lorazepam! :grumble: