Hi! New to MFP world..

Hello my name is Allisen :)

I am new to this website and still in the process of adding a photo, profile...etc.

I never really stuck with any program (I get bored easirly) or website or apps but this one really looks like it can help me reach my goals and keep my accountable! I struggle with my nutrition with everyday stress/mindless eating/cravings. My passion is fitness and health!

I need that accountability and motivation! If I surround myself around people with the same goals, I know I will reach mine!

If you want to be buddies, add me or ill add you! :)


  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Welcome!!! MFP is great in keeping you accountable, and motivated. Good luck in your journey and feel free to add
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome. I love MFP. I love the fact that I am held accountable for my food but it also makes me more motivated to exercise because I get to eat those calories back. I think my favorite thing is getting on here and reading other peoples posts about what they are going through and realizing that I am not alone. Its a great motivator. Good luck!
  • LibbyG77
    Welcome! I'm sort of a newbie myself. I love it though. The online support is great. Tracking what I eat also keeps me eating healthy. With all the encouragement here I have even started running. Just make signing on a regular part of your day, like checking your email or your facebook. You can't go wrong! :)
  • annoda
    hi my name is adonna and im new on mfp and hoping this works for my main struggle is trying to get enough calorie in my diet in a day most days i see this now i am gonna work very hard at this as much as my body lets me i just need advise on good meals that will help me balance my calorie intake to what i need and the best workouts that anyone has that give best results and wont make me want to quit
  • razorspells
    Welcome to MFP, good luck on your diet and exercise. You CAN DO it! :smile:
    Add me as your friend if you like.
  • creeperlegume
    creeperlegume Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome!! Glad you're here!
  • Newstart5
    Good luck! Support is key!!! Friends on this site are motivators!