best sweetner for coffee?

Ok I am trying to do the low carb diet but just can not stand the taste of sweetner and will not give up my coffee!! I am down to 1 tsp of sugar, but am amzed how many carbs are in my coffee's!! I just bought Splenda flavoured "french vanilla" packs...anyone try them or have any advice for me?? Any sweetners out there that really taste like sugar??

thanks!! :)


  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Go to a whole foods store and look for organic stevia. I actually found one that was caramel flavored stevia and was AMAZING in coffee. The regular stevia works, too, though - just be sure to get the good Stevia in the Raw or Truvia.
  • MarchelleLynne
    MarchelleLynne Posts: 229 Member
    I LOVE my coffee and I love it super sweet, I have switched to splenda and I love it but I also use vanilla creamer which is my weakness! But splenda is the best sweetner I have ever tried.:flowerforyou:
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm going to go with... If you have good enough coffee you don't need any sweetener. :)
  • A great alternative is stevia - it's all natural unlike sweeteners. Check this link out:

    You can get it in packages like sweetener but I find you need to use more of that to taste it - I buy it in a liquid form (I find it cheapest at Bulk Barn if you have on of those near you, or any nutritional store would have it, some grocery stores carry it too)
  • I use stevia... all natural, and zero carbs and zero cals !! there are lots of flavors too! You do have to get used to the taste, took me about 3 weeks to like the taste. but its totally guilt free. I'd stay away from sweeteners, they are filled with chemicals, not good for you.
  • Stevia all the way. Find one that doesn't have a bitter aftertaste.
  • ntaylormsci
    ntaylormsci Posts: 1 Member
    I've been doing low carb dieting since January and I, like you, must have my coffee. Although I like Sweet and Low in my tea, it's not so good in coffee. I started using the Torani Sugar-Free Vanilla syrup to sweeten my coffee and it is GREAT(and zero carbs)! Now, it is sweetened with Splenda since it's sugar-free but it doesn't have that "splenda" taste which I don't like either. I hope this helps!
  • I use a tablespoon of good organic agave nectar. It has calories, but a low glycemic index
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    The problem with sweeteners is that they're chemically made and cause your body to retain weight - the more natural you can go, the better. My personal trainer told me to use stevia or xylitol, but stevia is cheaper and it doesn't take as much to make it sweet. Xylitol does taste more like sugar, though.
  • chattinchick
    chattinchick Posts: 48 Member
    I use Agave Syrup....You can find it in health food stores (Planet Organic) and Costco sells it and so does HomeSense
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Sweetener is kind of an acquired could try doing half sugar/half sweetener until you get used to it, then slowly phase it out. They're all different and I haven't come across one that tastes just like sugar.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Have you tried any of the Torani Sugar Free syrups? I find when I use that I don't need any more sweetner. 2 TB is a serving, zero cals, Zero carbs. This is the SF vanilla, not sure about other flavors.
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    Agree with the others who said Stevia. All natural, no nasty chemicals :smile:
  • I would definitely say Stevia! It's 300 times more sweet than sugar, so you don't need a whole lot. You can get it at Trader Joes in a container, or if you want packets to go, you can get the Truvia brand stevia at pretty much any grocery store. Like others have said, it is calorie free!
  • I think i may have to do the half and half (sugar/sweetener) thing for the first little while..good idea! thanks a bunch!
  • where do you buy the Torani Sugar Free syrups? i live in the Toronto area......once again thanks for all of your help!!!

    I just joined this site and am loving all of the help and support!! :)