I'm so sad



  • emocasia
    Just a couple things to add
    1. MFP's BMI calculator is not entirely accurate due to the fact that it cannot physically measure exactly how much fat/muscle your body is composed of. I weigh 223 pounds and my goal is 190-200 pounds which for my height 5'10'' is still considered overweight or even obese. However remember muscle weighs more than fat. It always has and always will.

    2. Maintain a recurring workout and meal schedule. I only work out 3 times a week for 1-1.5 hours per day. I work out around the same time 5pm-6pm. DO NOT FORCE YOUR BODY TO STRENUOUS EXERCISE. You will end up hurting yourself and losing the motivation. After an exercise session you should feel great and energetic, otherwise something is wrong. I usually start with a short yoga session to clear my mind and to warm up my muscles, then I either jog, run, or use the elliptical machine. I do some weight training and then I finish up with some yoga again. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are always important. I start with a breakfast shake that holds me over very well until lunch. I'm a sandwich lover so for lunch I usually always have one or a wrap with a side soup or salad. Dinner I eat normally some protein, a veg and a starch. And I always cook enough for one serving. As for a snack I usually some fruit or low fat plain yogurt infused with real fruit. I usually always stay under my daily calorie intake. Since June I have lost 27 pounds. I am new to MFP... can you believe I used to calculate this stuff by hand? ;)

    3. Find your state of mind. Losing weight shouldn't be this painful, heart breaking, and stressful goal. Being disappointed or stressed usually leads to one breaking their diet. Instead treat it as if it were a game where you are the player and you are simply trying to beat the scale. It's actually a lot of fun. Obviously I'm just giving you my thoughts, but I hope this somewhat helps.

    Remember everyone's body is different. Not one diet or exercise plan is for everyone. It is up to you to see what is best. You CAN do it. Just don't give up relax and have fun :)

  • cmalone
    You have to try new workouts that are more challenging and watch you sodium intake because too much will increase the amount of water that you retain. Six small meals a day and 3 to 4 days working out should help you out. Make sure you are doing the exercises correctly also..and don't over do it because you will hurt your muscles...

    Don't be sad...use it as motivation!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    to see that people who started the same time as me (May 2008) lost weight. But for me, I'm going nowhere and starting all over again.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    I've been exercising regularly and its so sad to see that the scale hasn't moved in the last 8 months.

    Don't feel bad! I joined when you did... I only lost 10lbs since then... and that was cause I DIDN'T work out! Don't beat yourself up.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Side note.... just for the record....
    I've missed Banks pool of knowledge!
  • pavang82
    pavang82 Posts: 454 Member
    Thanks for everyone's input. I appreciate it a lot. I've glad to say, I've found motivation again. Running relieved a lot of stress and thing that were on my mind, also my overall energy improved this afternoon. Thanks guys.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Side note.... just for the record....
    I've missed Banks pool of knowledge!

    It's a kiddie pool, but hey. you work with what you have right? :tongue:

    Oh, and as my father always said:

    "I'm a wellspring of usless information"
  • gone2gym2befit
    The key to getting your body to burn more calories really is to increase your lean muscle mass. I too did lots of cardio at the gym for years (I'm turning 48 this year) and I never gained weight, but I ate what I wanted and figured I was burning enough off to not worry about it. Then I took a circuit challenge class at my gym and had several sessions w/ a dietician and found out I would stay that way forever unless I changed up my work out routine. And after the circuit class, I realized I was NOT in good shape!!! My legs burned and hurt for 2 days after the 1rst class because I did squats, lunges, and other muscle building work that I had never done before. So as part of my regular routine, I now do lots of lower body resistance training. That's where all the big muscles are(glutes, quads, hamstrings and abs are all waiting to be engaged!) that will be great fat burners for you when you do your cardio ~AFTER you do some weight and resistance training. The other big change for me was NEVER skipping breakfast and making that the meal of the day where I have the most calories (cause you'll burn em up through the day) and eating smaller meals and adding small snacks every 2 to 3 hours. Lots of fiber (think about adding more of what the earth offers to eat rather than the grocery store aisles) and all your protein should be the leanest possible. Good luck and start small w/ change!! I ended up losing almost 20 lbs over the past two years adding weight training and resistance training. I actually do less cardio now than ever before!!!!! My body is toned (not bulky) :wink: and I feel great!!!:wink: