Back after 2-3 months

Hello everyone,

I am back on MFP after 2-3 months (or is it 4?). I was losing weight very gradually (0.5 lbs/month), it almost felt like I wasn't losing at all, so my enthusiasm kind of faltered and I stopped recording all my food intake over here. I am 5 feet 1 inches tall so my ideal weight is about 110lbs but I'll be happy with about 120lbs at the moment. I need to lose about 20lbs to get to that, but I am finding it terribly difficult right now. For the past 2 months I have been keeping to my calorie goal each day, with only minor fluctuations, but I hardly seem to lose any weight at all. I am around the mid-way point to my goal so I realize I won't be losing as much as I lost in the first three months of my diet but its dispiriting when you stand on the weight machine each day and it refuses to budge. So well, anyway, I am hoping that recording here on MFP again might give me a better idea of where I am going wrong. Also, I would be glad for any friends to keep me motivated.

Anyway, thanks for reading this, and happy losing/gaining/maintaining weight to everyone!