Jillian Michaels - adaptable?


I see alot of posts mentioning Jillian Michaels videos,30 day shred etc.. I wonder as its video and not like wii where you have to move on board or with remote a certain way for it to register - if any of it is adaptable from a wheelchair?

eg I looked on amazon reviews and noticed some mentioned weights/hand weights... do these have to be a certain weight? would it matter?.. I only have 2lb hand weights here that came with a wii fit accessory pack... would I be able to do the hand weight exercises from sitting with smaller weights?

Not sure what else it involves? obviously lots of standing/ dancing about would be out... does she have any videos which are mainly floor exercises pilates style? to tighten tummy etc that I maybe able to do?

Sessions 30 mins or less maybe do-able if could adapt most of them and if there's an option on DVD to mix certain sets of exercises and remove a section I couldn't do/adapt?



  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    She definitely talks about what you can do if injured on your lower half or something for a little bit. I'm sure you could adapt most of it, the 30 Day Shred might be the one for you.
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    oh gosh that is a hard one... the 30 day shred has quite a bit of cardio in it , jumping jacks etc, she does have ab work in it but enough for you to warrant the buy. She does have 6 pack in 6 weeks which i have not seen that could work... maybe someone else can comment on that one. your weights will be fine.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    A lot of her moves include leg work so her DVDs would probably be hard to adapt.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    You would be able to do the abs, arms, back stuff, if you can figure out a way to do cardio sitting then you are in with a good chance... stands to reason unable to squat or lunge, the calorie burning component won't be as good for you but strength moves are strength moves are still good.

    try before you buy http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/UgpuDex8Iuo/ (looks to be all 3 levels mooshed together).

    Some kind of DVD work out designed for folks who can't use their legs would be a damn useful thing, wonder how long till someone fills the gap...
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    ok... any others I could look at?.. I have Exerbeat which has a nice selection of floor pilates exercises... and stretches and boxercising etc can be done from chair as it only really registers what your arms are doing.

    I was looking for something similar on video.. If I search for 'Pilates', 'core or tummy trimming' kind of things these would be mainly floor exercises?

    I've got My fitness pal: cardio on my xmas list with some boxing gloves.. as I think the only one I won't be able to do is skipping and that's in a separate games section apparently, so won't affect my ability to do the main boxing part. .. I've been looking at Daisy Fuentes Pilates too for Wii.

    If there's any you fit guys feel are 'too easy', please let me know... as I may be able to manage/adapt them! .. kind of along the lines of Wii Fit Plus or Exerbeat where it mainly tracks your arms so you could be doing the exercises from sitting OR standing?

    Thanks :wink:
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Hi - Having done the 30 Day Shred and having read your profile I do not think that she is a good solution for you- while she does use weights, so much of the shred and her other dvd's are floor based exercises (sit-ups but with, for example, leg raises) she also has a lot of push-up/ press-up-) blank based exercises, lunges etc.- please correct me if i am wrong but I think that these might not be your best bet

    have you every explored collagevideo.com? they have a lot of exercise dvds, all of which have been reviewed - and they ship internationally (very handy for me as I am in Belgium)

    they even have a seated video section which may have what you are looking for they include toning and strength as well as some balance and fall prevention choices which are a mix of seated and standing exercises (perfect for standing chair transfers, I would imagine) -


    plus they have tons of other choices too!
  • GertiLee
    GertiLee Posts: 29 Member
    In Level 1 of 30 Day Shred Jillian mentions doing boxing/punches as your cardio if you're unable do to the jumping jacks, butt kicks and jump rope.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Some kind of DVD work out designed for folks who can't use their legs would be a damn useful thing, wonder how long till someone fills the gap...

    ooh people have filled this gap, problem is these types of dvds are not usually marketted in the mainstream way and thus people don't know about them - which is a shame
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Thanks for that link Jen for chair exercises.

    I can raise legs when I'm laid on floor or in chair (slow..pilates style floor exercises are good) but I can't keep my balance stood (without someone holding me up or me having to hang onto something..so obviously can't hold controller too) so exercises like lunges or standing and boxing etc are out. I can't do proper push ups either, although I have managed a semi- plank (if there is such a thing!) on wii fit recently where you lean on your entire forearm, except my leg weight was on my knees rather than my toes! (holding tummy off ground with forearms and knees) ..and that was a challenge for me! ..so hope its doing those abs some good!

    jumping jacks, butt kicks and skipping are definitely out!..though I have managed to scrape past those in wii games when its only been registering what my hands are doing,... so if move hand is if holding a skipping rope it registers, or doing top half of jumping jack with arms sometimes it will register!...and its helping my arm co-ordination too so its all good for me..lol!

    I've found boxing ones good (as long as don't need to kick too..some on EA sports do) if she was doing kicks I could ignore thats fine but like on EA sports on some you have to stand on the balance board so it knows when you have kicked...which obviously wouldn't work for me.

    ah well..never mind..just an idea!... I will do more research on chair exercises though..I don't know if could buy in UK? ..or have to get from US?

  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    2lb weights are fine. I used 2.5 ones at first, now I only have 5lbs ones and I started doing ripped in 30. I thought about buying 3lb ones but I decided I will just suck it up and use the 5lb ones until they are easier.

    Lots of her work outs do involve standing, jumping ect. She had a 6wk six pack dvd which has a lot of floor work outs though, you can try it.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I can't do proper push ups either, although I have managed a semi- plank (if there is such a thing!) on wii fit recently where you lean on your entire forearm, except my leg weight was on my knees rather than my toes! (holding tummy off ground with forearms and knees) ..and that was a challenge for me! ..so hope its doing those abs some good!

    ah well..never mind..just an idea!... I will do more research on chair exercises though..I don't know if could buy in UK? ..or have to get from US?


    Semi planks definitely exist- I do them all the time - I call them "ramps" :laugh:

    I will see if I can find a UK link- have you spoken ou your physiotherapist?
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    have you tried amazon.co.uk? not a lot of choice but here's an interesting one
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Thanks I've added that one to my basket... I'll get it when I get the rest of xmas stuff as have few more car based DVD's to find for the male in-laws!.. lol! (they'e all big fans of Top Gear and stuff!)

    Hoping to get some new games for xmas too to refresh my exercise routine! :happy:

    I was hoping they'd bring a new Wii Fit one out for xmas, possibly packaged with a wii and board as mine keeps turning itself off and wii making loads of noises when the disc is inside! I was fancying a black or pink one from santa! :wink: