On a mission to loose 2 stone !!! But can I still have one d

:laugh: Just joined today, I must admit i'm really impressed as was previously paying £20 per month for a similar website at weight watchers. Have 2 stone to loose and am currently doing Bootcamp sessions twice a week and swimming twice a week with a 1,200 calorie intake. The thing is I love my Saturday nights, a bottle of wine and an idian takeaway is what a live for.........do I have to give this up to get to my goal weight ? hmmmmm ???


  • SarahE0417
    moderation is the key
  • mariec25
    Hello and welcome!

    I don't think you have to give it up, you may not loose as fast but you can still do it! If you are careful the rest of the week and maybe sometimes consider healthier alternatives with your take aways, doing your exercises and drinking plenty of water then you've got it covered.

    Good luck
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hiya, i would say go for it , i eat/ drink whatever i want saturdays and hasn't done me any harm. Good luck xx
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hiya, i would say go for it , i eat/ drink whatever i want saturdays and hasn't done me any harm. Good luck xx
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Short answer: No

    Slightly longer answer: You might want to look at what you eat with your takeaway and maybe switch to some lower calorie options. You could also try and make sure you have an additional calorie deficit during the week to make up for the extra that you have on saturday (i.e not take back your exercise cals during the week) but basically, if you have a calorie deficit over the course of the week, you will lose weight, but if you splurge on a saturday, it might take a bit longer.

    Good luck with it.
  • Stagdaddy
    I agree that it is all about moderation. I am a beer drinker and I have made a rule of how much and when I consume. I have also found that drinking the right amount of water as well as keeping active helps for when I go overboard.