Hi Again

Seeing as I'm back here again, thought I'd say hello again

Since I left last, I maintained my weight at around 193 for about 18 months which was quite good and without much effort. However over the last 3 months have put on 8lbs and crept back over the 200lb mark thus, I have decided to make a concerted effort to finish what I started. Eventual target is about 180, seems an awful long way off!

During the period I was away, I have completed my first half marathon, but am looking to do another to improve my time which I know I can do.

Looking for new friends to encourage me along the way, and also if anyone can point me in the direction of any of the male support groups, there seem to be an awful lot of ones for women, and previously when i joined these I felt like a bit of a spare part!

Anyway, thanks for reading this far, look forward to talking to you!