Wedding Pictures=Before Pictures

ax150 Posts: 28 Member
Just wanted to introduce myself here (finally after lurking on and off for atleast a year). My new husband and I recently got our wedding pictures back from the photographer and while they are gorgeous and reflect a fantastic happy day, they also show me at my heaviest weight i've ever been. I really cant believe I let myself weigh 200 pounds on my wedding day. I'm beaming in the pictures but cant see past my double chin. There are so many shots I dont even want to look at. It was really hard not to cry when my husband and I were looking at them.

Like a lot of people here I'm sure, I've been playing this diet game most of my life. I lost a lot of weight on Weight Watchers years ago and really liked the supportive aspect so I'm hoping to find that on here. My first goal is 20 pounds, I havent seen the 150s since I was in 9th grade so I would love to get there again

I'm so ready to shed this weight for many reasons such as:

-I'm going to be 29 this month and dont want to think of entering a new chapter of my life still hiding behind this extra weight
-I want to get dressed in the morning and actually like what I'm wearing
-I truly love running and run about 20 miles/week now. But I know running with 50 extra pounds on my body isnt good for it in the long run
-I know this weight has held me back in work, social situations etc. I'm always running from a camera and it can be quite awkward at times (how many times does this excuse 'dont take a pic now my hair looks awful' really work?)
-We want children someday but I want to be fit and healthy going into the pregnancy
-My husband met me and married me at my highest weight and I know he loves me the way I am, but I would love love for him to have a beautiful confident wife.

Thats basically it. Hope everyone has a great and successful day!!!!


  • elz22
    elz22 Posts: 96 Member
    Good luck!
  • mariec25
    Hi and Welcome

    You have the same reason I came here, I was shocked at my wedding photos and all I can see is my double chin. Although a few months later and a few pounds off I feel much better about them and you will too. I wish you loads of success with your weight loss as we have the same goals. I'm working up to 20 miles a week running and training for some races.

    Feel free to add me if you are looking for a friend.
  • nycko20
    Good luck to you and I know you can do it! Stay motivated! This has been a great site for me to use as far as documenting my food. I have always been fit as far as exercising went but I ate alot of crappy food. This site keeps me accountable and I am so glad I was introduced to it! Once again, Good Luck!
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Wow. You have excellent reasons and goals and you came to the right place! There's no way you won't succeed! Best of luck!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    It made me sad to hear that you didn't like your wedding photos. I bet you looked beautiful no matter what you weighed.

    I commend you for addressing your weight issues now--you will enjoy your life (and future children) so much more if you are confident and fit!

    Feel free to friend me if you need support. Take care!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I can relate in a way. I turned 40 in February. I took a group of my girlfriends to a cabin in the woods and we hung out, went to a winery, had a really great weekend. Then when I got the pictures I cried. My wonderful weekend ruined b/c I NEVER want to look at the photos again.

    I'm sorry you don't like your photos, but as most of us are, I bet you are your worst critic. I bet everyone else that sees them will see the beauty and happiness!

    Welcome and I wish you the best of luck!
  • ax150
    ax150 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks so much for the support everyone. It definitely makes a huge difference!