Amazing Soup Diet!!???



  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    It makes me laugh when people ask for opinions on things and then get angry at the negative remarks! People post because they only want to hear good things and when they don't, they get defensive.

    Why do you ask opinions if you don't want to hear them?

    Just want a pat on the back and be told what you want to hear? Then don't post.

    it makes me laugh when people post unhelpful comments like this which dont answer the OPs question or help atall. maybe you shouldnt post until theres something nice or helpful to say? try reading the comments and you'l see y the OP is getting fustrated.

    Because everyone else knows that these "gimmick" diets are ridiculous and don't work! So if you plan on posting something like this, plan on getting everything you did AND did not ask for. It's a public forum and you'll hear opinions whether you like them or not.
  • KMSForLife
    @ Chocolateandvodka and Healthyby30 - as an unbiased outsider lookin' in - the both of you seem pretty angry :huh:

    You get offended when someone calls you out for being rude - let's be honest - you meant your responses to be rude, crude, and full of sarcasm . . .
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    @ Chocolateandvodka and Healthyby30 - as an unbiased outsider lookin' in - the both of you seem pretty angry :huh:

    You get offended when someone calls you out for being rude - let's be honest - you meant your responses to be rude, crude, and full of sarcasm . . .

    not an angry bone in my body darling... i simply am opposed to fad diets of any kind. then again.... what people do with their bodies is their choice, but it also happens to be my business. then again, that's an entirely different conversation.

    secondly, i'm not offended at all. however, she called me out for being rude when i wasn't being rude. which caused me to respond in a way that could probably be construed as rude. maybe. if someone was easily offended.

    however. this is the internet. if anyone takes anything i say seriously.... that is just sad.
  • kingkong123
    kingkong123 Posts: 184 Member
    There's only one way to find out. Do it for a week. See how much you lose.

    Go back to normal eating next week. See if/how much you gain. I imagine if you track your calories, you shouldn't gain, but everyone's different. It's only a week. Why not try it?
  • mrshickey
    It makes me laugh when people ask for opinions on things and then get angry at the negative remarks! People post because they only want to hear good things and when they don't, they get defensive.

    Why do you ask opinions if you don't want to hear them?

    Just want a pat on the back and be told what you want to hear? Then don't post.

    it makes me laugh when people post unhelpful comments like this which dont answer the OPs question or help atall. maybe you shouldnt post until theres something nice or helpful to say? try reading the comments and you'l see y the OP is getting fustrated.

    Because everyone else knows that these "gimmick" diets are ridiculous and don't work! So if you plan on posting something like this, plan on getting everything you did AND did not ask for. It's a public forum and you'll hear opinions whether you like them or not.

    if u think havin soup for dinner is a gimmick then thats of course up to you. the OP asked for responses from people who have tried it. u clearly havent seeing as u think its such a gimmick. now i know to skip through and not to read any responses you make. thanks. not reading unhelpful and sarcastic responses is one less job for me.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    @ Chocolateandvodka and Healthyby30 - as an unbiased outsider lookin' in - the both of you seem pretty angry :huh:

    You get offended when someone calls you out for being rude - let's be honest - you meant your responses to be rude, crude, and full of sarcasm . . .

    Lol, I'm not angry at all. I just think it's silly. There are sooo many diets out there claiming to help people lose weight. And tons of people fall for them. All I'm saying is, you put something out there on a public forum and you're going to get opinions! I could care less if you or anyone else thinks I'm rude or sarcastic, especially on a public internet forum. I am a sarcastic person by nature :flowerforyou:

    It comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn, creating a deficit. Eat what you like, everything in moderation. I'm not saying eating soup is bad or not healthy or whatever. But "The Amazing Soup Diet!" Gimme a freakin break.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Has anyone ever tried this 7 day jumpstart called the amazing soup diet. My mom found it on good housekeeping and asked me to try it with her this week....i started today and I was curious about it so I was hoping for some feedback from people who have tried it...THANKS!!

    You'll be hitting your head hard with this one and I recommend investing in more toilet are going to need them.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I deleted my post since I don't think it really answered the OP's question.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    It makes me laugh when people ask for opinions on things and then get angry at the negative remarks! People post because they only want to hear good things and when they don't, they get defensive.

    Why do you ask opinions if you don't want to hear them?

    Just want a pat on the back and be told what you want to hear? Then don't post.

    it makes me laugh when people post unhelpful comments like this which dont answer the OPs question or help atall. maybe you shouldnt post until theres something nice or helpful to say? try reading the comments and you'l see y the OP is getting fustrated.

    Because everyone else knows that these "gimmick" diets are ridiculous and don't work! So if you plan on posting something like this, plan on getting everything you did AND did not ask for. It's a public forum and you'll hear opinions whether you like them or not.

    if u think havin soup for dinner is a gimmick then thats of course up to you. the OP asked for responses from people who have tried it. u clearly havent seeing as u think its such a gimmick. now i know to skip through and not to read any responses you make. thanks. not reading unhelpful and sarcastic responses is one less job for me.

    Reading that hard for you? How long does it take to read a post, honestly? That's a lame reason. I know what the OP asked for. I don't care that she didn't want opinions from people who haven't tried it. I can give my opinion regardless.

    I guess reading may be hard and time consuming for someone who can't bother to type out full words, though?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You should not think of yourself as being on a "diet." You should be thinking of this whole process as slowly changing the way you think about and interact with food. Your goal should be making changes that enable you to eat more healthy foods without giving up anything. Learn how to eat what you want in a way that won't cause you weight gain. For example, I love ice cream and potato chips. I have not given those two things up. I eat Weight Watchers ice cream sandwiches (which are absolutely divine) and Baked Lays potato chips. I have lost about 45 pounds. I also eat plain sweet potatoes, brown rice, chicken, greek yogurt, and fruit...etc. It has taken a couple of years but it also took me years to put it on. So, I eat in moderation (most of the time) and exercise almost daily and the weight is coming off. Let me reiterate: YOU ARE NOT ON A DIET!!!!

    Semantics. Everyone is on a diet. Whether it's a healthy diet or an unhealthy diet, if you eat, you are on a diet.
  • Cakepiebeer
    There's nothing "gimmicky" about eating soup for dinner. Its REAL food, easy to digest and low calorie. If it's homemade, then it's even better.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    There's nothing "gimmicky" about eating soup for dinner. Its REAL food, easy to digest and low calorie. If it's homemade, then it's even better.

    dammit Vince, you're spoiling my fun. it was just getting good!
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    I just had soup for lunch it was delicious, I usually make my own soup to cut down on sodium but had no time today, but replacing a meal with soup is a great idea, I'm British so we have alot of soup fall/Winter. Drink your soup, I don understand all the negativity.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Upon further reading, OP, I would just like to point out that this 'diet' you are referring to ... where you consume two regular meals, and then have a soup for the third isn't any kind of "AMAZING SOUP DIET" ... it's simply a meal plan that includes eating soup once a day for a specified time. Now, as long as you count the calories of everything you eat, and it falls within a deficit for your calorie needs, it's the same type of meal plan the rest of us follow - only difference being that you let BH&B tell you what to eat.

    So, for the record, I guess I frequently follow the AMAZING SOUP DIET, because while staying within my calories, I often have a regular breakfast and lunch, and then eat home made chili, chicken stew, green chili, and other various (homemade) soups for dinner... Here's the thing though - if I go over my calories with these soups, I'm not going to lose weight.

    And hell ... I just lost my train of thought ... just, you know, count calories and eat wholesome foods ... and if you need BH&G to tell you how to do it, well, more power to ya.
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    There's nothing "gimmicky" about eating soup for dinner. Its REAL food, easy to digest and low calorie. If it's homemade, then it's even better.

  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I tried to read most of the messages before posting to try and give some insight into it. Misskortney had a great start and I think she was the most on the nail..

    Now I have tried the cabbage soup diet.. and ugh, that stuff was horrible. But a friend of mine did and lost like 30 lbs, and kept it off by working out hard and eating healthy after the fact.. of course he is not a normal person lol. But what I do do is have miso broth anytime during the day that I feel hungry and not ready to truly eat a meal, it helps lower my calorie intake and keeps me going for the day.

    As for exchanging a meal for soup. I can see this being a good idea for the masses since most of the time people eat badly for the rest of the day.. so giving them a low calorie meal would help lower their total calories for the day.

    Eating soup once a day isn't bad really. Specially if you can get a lot of veggies and other things in it.. But if what you learn from this starting week diet is to lower your cal intake and make better choices on what to eat; than I think its a great start to a healthier you.

    Good luck on whatever you choose.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    We have a guideline against taking threads off-topic. If the OP asked for advice from those who've tried her strategy, that's what she expects from the thread.

    Anyone not responding from that perspective, and especially anyone doing so and becoming argumentative about it, is ignoring this:

    17) Please stay on-topic, and help us make our forums a "No Hijacking" zone. Users come to MyFitnessPal for support and encouragement. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are discouraging and disrespectful, and will be deleted. Repeated offense may result in revocation of posting privileges. Please either contribute positively to a thread, or move on without posting.

    There's too much back-biting in this thread to make it worth pruning out the snippiness. I'll lock it for posterity.

    In the future, please bear in mind that the OP's intent for the thread is not inconsequential, as long as the topic doesn't compromise any of the guidelines here:

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.