Going to start P90X

Hi. Was wondering if anyone would give me some insight to p90x. Little background on me. I'm 44, joined mfp almost 10 months ago and have lost 101 pounds. I workout hard at the gym 5 days a week. I can easily do an hour of hard cardio and I do strength training. But I must say that the p90x intimidates me a little. My neighbor is letting me use her p90x, pull up bar and weights (she is medically off training for a few months). She said it was the most intense thing she has done in they way of exercise (she is a runner). She also didn't have the workout schedule or meal plan. I found a schedule online and printed it off but does anyone follow the diet advise and where can I find it online to print off.




  • EWilliamson
    EWilliamson Posts: 50 Member
    You will do great! If you have been doing a lot of Cardio...it will actually be a nice little break for you. I just finished it after doing Insanity. INSANITY is WAY MORE INTENSE but P90 will get you some muscle and tone you up. Don't get discouraged by the pull ups. I am pretty fit and they are very hard for me still just do what you can and you will see some definition in no time :) Give it it a shot :) You look great btw :)
  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    Wow you look wonderful. I haven't done P90X yet but I would like to as soon as we get the equipment. You should do the P90X. I think everyone should do P90X at some point. I am doing Insanity these days. It's more cardio based and needs no equipment.
  • If you can do an hour of hard cardio and weight training you should be fine. You'll get used to it fast. Just take it at your own pace like Tony saysin the time and time again. Even if you can only do half of what the people in the workouts do you will get a lot out of it and make vast improvements in your physical abilities. It's literally amazing what you become capable of after doing it for a month or two. One last piece of advise would be to start with the p90x lean routine. It's a bit less intense and lets you ease into the program more. Best of luck!
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    You can access the nutrition guide here. I set my MFP nutrition "goals" to match p90X


    You can take the Fit test to make sure you are ready to start the program
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I'm starting my second round of P90X at the end of November. Look for my thread around here. I would love for you to join me. I've done a round of P90X and I'm almost done with my P90X/TurboFire Hybrid. Working out with a group really helped me get through it.

    As far as the diet goes, I think you probably have things down due to your current weight loss. The guide calls for a ratio of 50% of calories from protein, 30% from carbs and 20% from fat. After the first month, you can switch to a 40/40/20 ratio. You'll want a good hear rate monitor to track the calories burned during your workout.You can tire quickly in P90X if you aren't eating enough.

    Like I said, it sounds like you have the diet down. You just have to make sure you are eating enough and maintaining the ratios that allow you to do the workouts.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Great program. I have done it a number of times, but I do not follow the suggested meal plan.

    I use MFP, but with higher protein content then they suggest. Just make healthy food choices, and stay in my calorie ranges. If you go to low on calories, you find that P90X will be very difficult, so be sure to give yourself the calories you need to do the plan. You can still get fitter, loose some weight if you choose, and start getting some good muscle development. If you are hungry - eat!

    For me the key is to not get lazy with the eating, I have done that, and my results were less dramatic.

    On pull ups, no worries. Use a chair to assist. I have done the program about 7 times, and still have difficulty with pull ups. But I am better then I used to be.

    I suggest you purchase a heart rate monitor if you do not have one. You will need it on this program. It makes tracking calorie burn easier.

    Remember you are only competing against yourself - just do the best YOU can do, and don't be afraid to lift heavier weights, and push yourself hard. At the end of 90 days, you will see the results.

    I personally feel the Classic is really a better option then the Lean. Thats how the program was originally designed, and IMO, will give the best "overall" results. But you can certainly opt for which "you" feel most comfortable with. However, I suggest you do try the Classic at some point. :) Its really not as brutal as you might think. :)
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Thanks for all the input so far. I've long ago manually switched my calories in MFP to a 45/30/25 so it sounds fairly close. I always use a HRM when working out as I can easily burn 700 to 1400 calories a day in exercise and I make sure to eat enough.

    I am concerned about the pull ups. NEVER been my strength, even as a teenager and thin it was hard. I had shoulder surgery a year ago and just hanging on the bar gives some pain in that shoulder.

    Also, should I wait and start on a Monday or any day of the week fine?
  • You look great! Don't fear P90x you can definetly do it. Just eat a good amount of protein, veggies, and only 1-2 pieces of fruit, and cut back sugar and carbs. You will be very hungry just fuel with the good stuff. I lost about 6-7 pounds but the inches lost and muscle gained was insane. Take pics day 1, 30 , 60 and 90. Join P90x on facebook and read it everyday.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Thanks for all the input so far. I've long ago manually switched my calories in MFP to a 45/30/25 so it sounds fairly close. I always use a HRM when working out as I can easily burn 700 to 1400 calories a day in exercise and I make sure to eat enough.

    I am concerned about the pull ups. NEVER been my strength, even as a teenager and thin it was hard. I had shoulder surgery a year ago and just hanging on the bar gives some pain in that shoulder.

    Also, should I wait and start on a Monday or any day of the week fine?

    Consider getting resistance bands. I wouldn't do pullups if hanging hurts. Check with a doctor too if you can.

    You get out of P90X what you put in. Not only does he give you means to modify most workouts to suit your skill level, but it's also something where you have to push yourself. As you get better, you'll be able to push yourself harder and get more out of it, but it isn't a workout that's unattainable early on.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member

    Consider getting resistance bands. I wouldn't do pullups if hanging hurts. Check with a doctor too if you can.

    Thanks. I have resistance bands already and a door adapter. I see my doctor regularly and she knows all that I do. I won't attempt the pull ups if the shoulder pain continues. Spoke to orthopedic doc and he said I won't tear anything and it will probably be good to help break up scar tissue but to ease into that portion of the routine.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    One last piece of advise would be to start with the p90x lean routine. It's a bit less intense and lets you ease into the program more. Best of luck!

    Thanks. After watching the intro dvd he did mention this too. So I went ahead and started today, even though it's not Monday. Started with Yoga X and doing the lean schedule.