Trim and Healthy is the Goal!

Hello -

This is my first post here on MFP and look forward to getting and giving support in this journey of well being.

Since having my two children, now 4 and 2.5, I haven't been able to take off the weight that I put on over my pregnancies. It has been a struggle being a full-time working mom with a hubby on rotating shift work and two beautiful babes to take care of while attempting to get my pre baby body back.

I joined here several weeks ago but seriously set a plan in gear 5 days ago. I've been getting up at 5:30am to do a cardio and strength workout for 35-minutes and then working out again at the small gym downstairs from my office at lunch for another 30+minutes of cardio (the Elliptical or Stationary Bike). Also, I've been trying to break my meals down to 5 small meals a day opposed to three. A friend at work who was a bodybuilder suggested that I try these strategies to #1 rev my metabolism first thing in the morning with the workout using my own resistance (no weights) and fuel my body slowly throughout the day.
His advice: To do this for three months - and then start a plan with light weights to further tone and tighten. Also, to avoid measuring or weighing until at least the 1 month mark, at that point measure!! Inches are a great measure of success than weight as lean muscle weighs more than fa . . so I'm told:flowerforyou:

Anyways, that's the plan for now, I truly hope that this is the answer to become healthier, shed the extra 30 pounds and become a good role model to my children. My greatest fear is to pass on this obsession to my little girl!

Here we go . . .


  • espn2087
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    sounds like a great plan! best of luck.

    oh, and to avoid giving your daughter weird ideas about body image.. just remind her how beautiful she is and express even more how much you love her :)
  • jlavora
    Thank you!!! And you are right, I tell her everyday how beautiful she is : ) ... and try my best to never make comments about my own neurotic thoughts of my body!!