


  • jvincent08
    jvincent08 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Kevin! Very good advice, because a lot of the time I think that my mentality is... I can eat this, because I workout! Well that is not true!

    I am a part time stay at home mom, I work at a school during september-May, then am home with my girls june through August. My job as a secretary at school is not too challenging and I am not on my feet hardly at all! So needless to say I sit behind a desk all day and think about food, or what I can eat next! I am terrible that way. I used to work at a busy clinic as an LPN, but we live in a small town and I was driving and 90 minutes a day to get to that job, so when this job became available I jumped at the chance, to be able to be in town and with my kids more, however, I have really paid the price as far as my daily activity level. At the clinic, I ran my butt off all day long. at the school... Not so much!

    Thanks everyone for the much needed advice and boost in the right direction. I think if I can get back on track, eating the right foods and bumping up my exercise, I will be back on track!