Marathon training questions

I've decided to start training for a Full-Marathon. So far..I've only used gatorade for my runs. Can you tell me about supplements like gel packs, electrolyte tablets, protein powder etc... I want to do things right and I want to be safe.



  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    How much are you running right now? IN other words, what's your longest run?
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I'm only up to the 1/2 point of my training, will kick the marathon training into high gear after 12/10 when I finish my first 1/2; right now I only use water on my runs and chew on Jelly Belly energy beans during that time too. As I add mileage I may change that, but for now this is working. I'm looking forward to seeing what others have to say on this.
  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    I use Gu and Jelly Belly Sports Beans when I do long runs up to and including the half marathon I did in October. Every 45-60 minutes you should fuel up. It seemed to work well for me. Good luck on your full marathon!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,391 Member
    I'll be curious to see the advice given. I'm planning to start training for my first marathon after the first of the year.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    I like Nuun as an electrolyte replacement rather than Gatorade. I have used it on my long runs and during half marathons.
    I prefer to use Honey Stinger Chews as fuel during long runs over any other Gu, chomp or beans that I have tried.

    p.s. I am beginning to consider marathon training myself and am curious about training plans.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Clif products ALL THE WAY!
    My husband loves their jells and I love their bloks :D
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I use energy gels for anything over 90 minutes. Try to find isotonic ones so you don't have to glug down gallons of water. And don't use them and energy drinks too.

    For my one marathon to date, I had a friend stashed along the route to feed me cold full-fat Coke and pretzels. The chill and salt were heaven after warm sticky hell!
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I too am training for a marathon - my 2nd. I am not a fast runner. I am hoping to run this one in under 5 hours. I can tell you what I have been doing. Since most marathons have aid stations every mile I have been running for one mile and then simulating walking through the aid station drinking Gatorade (or your drink of choice). I also eat a Gu (gel of your choice) every 45 minutes. Employing this strategy I seem to be doing better than I was previously. I've done several runs over 15 miles now (longest 20 miles) and I've felt pretty good after each of them. It's a place to start anyhow.... Good luck to you!
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    I really like to use natural stuff so I use chia seeds. Yes, they are the same as used on the chia pets! :-P They are quite nutritious and, taken with water or a mixture of water, sugar, and lemon or lime juice, are a good fuel source.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    You'll want to do a little trial and error on your training runs to see what works for you, but I generally use watered down gatorade plus 2-3 gels during my long runs (probably 1 gel for a 10 miler, 2 for a 15 miler, and 3 for 18+). Gels, sports beans, chomps, etc. are all pretty similar as fuel (basically all just easy to digest sugar), but you have to just try them to see what flavor and consistency you like best. I generally try to divide it up so I have some calories every 3 miles or so.

    Accelerade is another good sports drink that has protein in it. Other than that, I'd save the protein shakes etc. for after the run.

    The low-cal electrolyte stuff can't hurt and is good for runs when you're sweating a lot, but it's no substitute for things with calories. If you're doing more than 6 miles, you'll need to fuel up with something or you're not going to have enough energy to make it a good workout.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    There are a lot of variables including weight, age, distance, speed etc... so what I will tell you is what works for me. First thing is that I gag on gels... something about their texture I can't tolerate.

    During training, I take fluids every 20 minutes. Which fluid depends on the duration and intensity of the workout (i.e. easy runs will be water, intense workouts gatorade, Long slow runs I'll alternate if possible).

    For food, I like something along the lines of granola bars every half hour or so during training. Cheap but fills the gap. During a race I go for Gu Chomps or Sport beans (just a few every water station).

    Post workout, I reach for a jug of chocolate milk and a peanut butter and banana sandwich.

    I don't use a lot of protein powders and really don't need them as I get adequate protein and carbs from regular sources (i.e. peanut butter/chocolate milk/banana's etc). Yes there is some merit to them, I'm not going to argue that. They work well when used properly. Unfortunately, I don't think they are properly used by most and certainly over sold by many companies... there is little to them that proper nutrition won't provide.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I too am training for a marathon - my 2nd. I am not a fast runner. I am hoping to run this one in under 5 hours. I can tell you what I have been doing. Since most marathons have aid stations every mile I have been running for one mile and then simulating walking through the aid station drinking Gatorade (or your drink of choice). I also eat a Gu (gel of your choice) every 45 minutes. Employing this strategy I seem to be doing better than I was previously. I've done several runs over 15 miles now (longest 20 miles) and I've felt pretty good after each of them. It's a place to start anyhow.... Good luck to you!

    This is a good point about simulating what they have on the course. I'd suggest looking ahead of time to see what they're serving and train with that on at least a few of your runs unless you're planning on bringing your own.
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    Since I am just starting, my longest run is 13.1 miles.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Sometimes I use Clif products, but I also like grapes, dried apricots, and packets of table salt. But you don't really need any of that until you start running more than an hour at a time.

    I like pretzels as soon as I'm done. The salt and carbs is a perfect combo. Just don't go overboard. Really, just relax and build up slowly. Try one product at a time. Everyone responds differently. Eat healthy all week and just refuel on your runs, but within reason. Don't stress about it.
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    Another question...I bought electrolyte pills. I was told to take two before I start and then follow the directions on the bottle throughout. Just a few weeks ago...a runner died at the chicago marathon and I suspect it was due to electrolytes throwing his heart rhythm off. So far...nobody has really talked about the pills...
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    Keep in mind that any solid food you ingest will need to be digested and that requires blood....blood that could be sent to your working muscles providing fuel and oxygen. So I would keep solid fuel to a minimum. Of course everyone is different and some people can't tolerate gels and sports drinks. But if possible easily and quickly digestible sources of fuel should be used.
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Good for you! I've run three Marathons and 6 half marathons. Trying hard to get back on track. When I run long distance I am a much happier, healthier and sane person. I signed up for a half in March.
    I always drank water or water with a splash of gatoraide. Also, for Energy I liked those sports beans. I tried gels, goo, bars...a lot of them upset my stomach or gave me cramps. You don't want "runners trots" during a long race. I actually use a few spice gumdrops or a couple mini tootsie rolls. Banana works well too. I just crave the sugar..I know thats not super healthy, but they did the job. Good luck and keep posting.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    Another question...I bought electrolyte pills. I was told to take two before I start and then follow the directions on the bottle throughout. Just a few weeks ago...a runner died at the chicago marathon and I suspect it was due to electrolytes throwing his heart rhythm off. So far...nobody has really talked about the pills...
    This is probably one of the most heated debates. Some will tell you they are bad for you and others swear by them. Just this summer I tried experimenting with them. I took the recommended dose prior to exercise. I live in TX where it is extremely hot in the summer. I have to admit that they actually helped me on the extremely hot days. But I also sweat a lot. And I do mean a LOT!!! Now that it has cooled down and I don't sweat as much I do not take them. It would probably be best if you talked to your doctor about them to make sure you don't have any medical conditions that would be adversely affected by them.
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    Sounds like I should get the jelly beans. They sound convenient. So...does it sound right that I drink gatorade, take electrolyte pills, and jelly beans??? Then do protein post-workout?

  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    With all that stuff it is really about tasting the various brands/flavors/products and seeing what you like best. Some gels are so thick you can almost cut them with a scissors and others are thin and watery. Some you have to choke down, while others taste so good you want to drip them over ice cream.

    Also what tastes good while sitting on the couch may not do the trick while you are running. I love jelly beans, but I find Sports Bean way too sweet/sugary when I try to eat them on the run.