My Newest Trick

I've been having a hard time getting my 8 cups of water in every day. I usually drink 4 with lemon first thing in the morning, but then once I get to work I just sit with my coffee and don't do any more hydrating.

This week I brought my favorite glass from home and a little baggie of lemon slices in to work with my lunch. Now I'm drinking water all day! It's a nice little piece of home at my desk, and it's helping me stay healthy to boot!

Anyone else finding little tricks to make your plan easier?


  • NoraEE
    NoraEE Posts: 34 Member
    I've been having a hard time getting my 8 cups of water in every day. I usually drink 4 with lemon first thing in the morning, but then once I get to work I just sit with my coffee and don't do any more hydrating.

    This week I brought my favorite glass from home and a little baggie of lemon slices in to work with my lunch. Now I'm drinking water all day! It's a nice little piece of home at my desk, and it's helping me stay healthy to boot!

    Anyone else finding little tricks to make your plan easier?
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Cool idea! I have two 32 oz flip top Rubbermaid bottles, I take one out of the fridge filled and drink till done, refill, put back in the fridge and take the other one. When done, I have a Crystal Light as a treat.
  • Jelybe
    Jelybe Posts: 266 Member
    I do something similar - I brought my favorite mug to work. I drink decaf hot tea all day. It works!
  • Welch
    Welch Posts: 1
    I think water is really a challenge............I try to supplement de-caf hot tea.
  • schoonmp
    schoonmp Posts: 175
    I've been having a hard time getting my 8 cups of water in every day. I usually drink 4 with lemon first thing in the morning, but then once I get to work I just sit with my coffee and don't do any more hydrating.

    This week I brought my favorite glass from home and a little baggie of lemon slices in to work with my lunch. Now I'm drinking water all day! It's a nice little piece of home at my desk, and it's helping me stay healthy to boot!

    Anyone else finding little tricks to make your plan easier?

    I have a Dasani 33.8 oz water bottle. Fill it up all day long from the water fountain at work. Leave it in the car so I will have water on the way to work.
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    I had an awesome 40oz water bottle with my sorority logo on it and at night I would fill it half way with ice & put it in the freezer, then wake and fill it the rest with water and drink that all day, refilling it when I went to work out so I was getting in 80oz a day. But a couple of days ago I opened the freezer to grab it and I guess it was cramed bc my water bottle fell out and smashed :(

    Worked great while it lasted! Now I've just got to go get another water bottle.
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    I have a hard time drinking plain water so I bring my 24 oz water flip top water bottle to work with me and put cold water in it with a tea bag. let it sit 5-10 minutes and Then have cold green or white tea.
  • RunningSteph
    I'm OCD really really bad. I have a 17 oz Nalgene bottle at my desk and I drink one full bottle per hour. Its a weird balance thing that I HAVE to do or the world will end.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    I put about 8 ounces of diet green tea into my 32 ounce cup and fill it the rest of the way with water. It still has great flavor and isn't so sickeningly sweet! Try it with any diet beverage to avoid the extra calories.
  • hwilliams519

    I have a Dasani 33.8 oz water bottle. Fill it up all day long from the water fountain at work. Leave it in the car so I will have water on the way to work.

    Be careful about leaving you water bottle in your car, especially when it is hot outside. (Not sure if it matters when it is cold.) Research has shown that it is linked to Breast Cancer.
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    BPA is the chemical that is released from alot of plactic products when they get hot. Camelbak has a huge variety of BPA water bottles. Here is a link.