Eating back exercise kcals

If you do a lot of exercise everyday and 'earn' loads of kcals do you always eat them back? Because the other day I went to the gym in the evening and then had my dinner and put my gym exercise and dinner in and after having my 1200 it said I still had another 1300 left!!! Obviously, after my dinner I wasn't hungry anymore and to eat that would mean eating a load more. What do people do? I do a lot of exercise, running, gym, classes etc but I'm stuck at 10st6-10 and don't seem to be able to get under that, it's so annoying, but there's no way I can always eat my exercise calories back like that.



  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    First you need to be sure you're not overestimating your exercise calories. Are you wearing a HRM or relying only on gym machines/MFP? If not, you should probably eat at least some calories back. Instead of waiting until the evening, try to even out the calories across your day. If you know you're going to burn 800 cals in the evening at the gym, then throw in some nut butter or some full fat dairy somewhere in your day.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    if i know im going to be exercising at night, i eat a bit more during the day.. i might go into the red, but as soon as i log my calories im back in the green.
  • Cas_p
    Cas_p Posts: 8
    I wear a HRM and foot pod. I get worried about doing that as sometimes i,e today I was meant to go out for a run with my other half but he ended up stuck in London until 9pm and the plumber was here messing around with the boiler for ages. So I ended up bumming in front of the tele, though I did do a circuits class this morning. I've always thought and acted on burning off more than I put in beleving that this would consequently be the best weight loss option but it's only very recently that I've started using MFP and realised that this is not the case? but I can only just bring myself to eat 1200 nevermind over 2000 a day! Before I was eating say fruit for brekfast or a no fat yoghurt, chicken for lunch just on it's own, around 90cal and 2% fat if that and veg and chicken or the like for dinner so around 500-600 cal in all. I push myself to get my HR up and mix my exercises about, I'm 2 hr half marathon fit (for my first one a couple of weeks ago inc 1.5miles up a steep hill) whereas the beginning of the year saw me feeling sick after running one mile! I cycle, do loads at the gym, always mix up my weekly excersise long runs to intervals to zumba to swimming etc etc but I just CAN'T get past this weight, ever! it's really disheartening,I read about these plateaus but this has lasted so long now and I'm just so so fed up. It's like my body likes being a bit chubby no matter what I do :( might there be something wrong with me?