consuming only 1000 calories a day??



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I eat less than 1000 cals , however I am at home unable to exercise at the mo due to an operation- im sleeping longer (due to painkillers and antibiotics) so i cant eat all my cals or id be stuffing my face, lol. ive been eating this way for a few weeks now, still losing weight.

    If you don't need extra cals after an operation, infection and other stress, just to repair your body.... can you please tell your surgeon? I assume he will be interested in publishing your case.
    This! X
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I am really confused, this is a topic board for support of the dieters eating 1000 calories or less, or so I thought it was! So why are there so many others on here concerned with this topic?! Please go find a topic on 1200 calories and more or something!

    What amazes me is that the large majority of dieters that dog this topic are MEN! No offense, love mean dearly, but they need way more calories and protein than a women just to breath!!! They tell us to do our research on STARVATION MODE when they obviously know nothing about anatomy! Common sense tells anyone that a man needs more calories than a woman. And if you aren't eating only 1000 calories a day, why are you concerning yourself with this to pic anyway? That would be like me going looking for a topic on something I agree with, I'm not going to find the support I need, so I don't go to those topics. This topic is looking for support and stories of those consuming 1000 calories a day? So go look for your topic of consuming 1200 calories or more a day, I am sure there are plenty of dieters that will appreciate your support.

    Classic rational of one afflicted with an eating disorder. If one wishes to do this to themselves, its their decision. Just don't promote it to others who may not realise the danger.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I'm a woman. I value my metabolism. I eat far more than 1,000 cals a day.

    Further, I have friends here who are trying their darnedest to be healthy despite a history of eating disorders. When some twit comes on the forums and ignorantly promotes eating a dangerous diet, it makes it harder for MY friends to stay strong. So that's why I respond to irresponsible threads like this. They are against forum rules. Knock it off.