Sexy In Skinny Jeans

About two weeks ago I looked in the mirror and noticed I looked pretty good in skinny jeans. Now to most girls my age this would seem like no big accomplishment. But to me, it made my day. The one thing I used to hate about my body was my legs. In my opinion, they were just too big, and I couldn't pull of skinny jeans or leggins. But I desperately wanted to be able to wake up in the morning, put on a pair of leggings and go to school. It seemed like all the other girls at my school had these perfectly straight, tiny legs. While I was stuck with what Seventeen Magazine would call curviness.
While looking at my self in the mirror it made me realize how far I had come. Having my healthy body as a reward and being able to show it off made me feel amazing. I think thats the best part of this experience. When you finally get to see the long-term effects of your hard work. Even though it was hard to make extra time for the gym, I did. And now I get to enjoy my body. What better reward is there than health and happiness? And I'd like to congratulate anyone else out there that has gone through something like this. Being able to make any positive change in your life style is worth something. Pat your self on the back, because even if you joined today you decided to make a change. And I'm sure this has been said many times before, but if everyday you put effort into making your life style healthier, each little thing will add up. Maybe not in one day, but say no to second helpings will add up over time. The satisfaction you get from eating pastries doesn't last as long as the feeling of becoming a healthier person.
Of course nobody is ever perfect. I still have days where I'll eat too much, but you have to remember it's a learning process. And this process takes time. When I have those bad days it reminds me how crappy I feel when I feel fat. I use the bad days as a reminder to try and make tomarrow a good day. Because when I have a good day it feels great, and I feel amazing about my self. And who doesn't like to feel amazing once in a while? So why not try and make everday a good day, because everyone deserves to feel amazing about themselves.
If loosing weight is something you want to do, then you should do it. Making an accound on MFP was the best thing I ever did for my self. It gave me an opportunity to change, while having a whole group of people support me. The support here is great. None of my friends are going through what I have gone through the past six months. While everyones experiance on this site is different, they are all slightly similar, and it's great to have a community of people that are going through similar things.
Thank you to anybody reading this or anybody that comments on this. Your support keeps me going and it brings a smile to my face. With out the support I have gotten not only from this sight, but from my friends and family, I couldnt have lost weight. And to you all I owe a sincere thank you. This huge change in my life has opened my eyes to a whole new world of exercising, cooking, eating, and most importantly being happy and healthy. So thank you readers and thank you MFP for helping me become the happier and healthier person I am today.
- Grapejuicelover

Check out the rest of my weight loss story here:


  • konniepalmer
    Well said!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    It's a huge accomplishment! Skinny jeans aren't flattering on a LOT of people, so it's awesome that they look good on you!
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